Recommended Books
For Catholics...

Books, recommended for all Catholics, for maximum learning of your faith:

'A Still Small Voice', discernment, by Fr. Benedict Groeschel.
  A very good book for discerning the many messages that cross your path.

'Beginning Apologetics', by San Juan Catholic Seminars.
  A nice Apologetic primer.

'Catechism of the Catholic Church', the new one.
  Some say all you really need are a Catholic Bible and the New Catechism.

'Catholic Evidence Training Outlines', by Frank Sheed, and Maisie Ward.
  Nice to have if you wish to teach.

'Catholicism and Fundamentalism', apologetics, by Karl Keating.
  Answers to most Protestant charges against the Catholic Church.

'Church History', by Fr. John Laux.
  For anyone interested in Church history from the very beginning, this is it.

'Confessions of a Roman Catholic', by Paul Whitcomb
  A very good start to learning Apologetics

'Fire Within', teaching of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross,
  by Fr. Thomas Dubay. Want a higher level of spirituality? This book
  will show you the way.

'Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma', by Dr. Ludwig Ott.
  A good reference for the teachings of the Catholic Church.

'How the Catholic Church is the same and How it is Different', F.J. Dailey.
  More Catholic Apologetics.

'Miracles of the Eucharist', by Bob and Penny Lord.
  Some amazing Eucharistic Miracles spanning centuries.

'Radio Replies', by Fr. Leslie Rumble, and Fr. Charles Carty, 3 volumes.
  4374 questions about your Catholic Church are answered by two
  outstanding Catholic priests.

'Scandal of the Cross and its Triumph', heresies, by Bob and Penny Lord.
  Some of the many heresies the Church has faced from the very beginning.

'The Church Visible', church ceremonial life & protocols, James Noonan Jr.
  Everything you need to know about Church protocol and ceremonies.

'The Faith of the Early Fathers', writings of the Fathers, William Jurgens.
  Excellent 3 volume set of the writings of Church Fathers from the very
  beginning of the Church and for the next 7 centuries, indexed by subject.

'The Incorruptibles', by Joan Carroll Cruz.
  Many stories and pictures of incorruptible saints over the centuries.

'The Spirit of Catholicism', by Karl Adam.
 Dr. Scott Hahn gives this book high praise. It is widely regarded as one of the truly great classics of Catholic theology written in the 20th century.

'Theology and Sanity', sound theology, by F.J. Sheed.
  A must have for basic theology. Frank Sheed explains it in a very down to earth and understandable way.

'Theology for Beginners', beginning theology, by F.J. Sheed.
  Similar to 'Theology and Sanity', but more concise.

'Vatican Council II', there are several versions to choose from.
  A must have to show what Vatican II really had to say, and to dispel
  all those misconceptions about what it did not say.

And of course, a Catholic Bible.
Compiled by Bob Stanley, August 22, 1998
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