Those Catholics Did It Again!

Yep, they sure did:

Here is a listing of things the Catholic Church has done for ALL Christians...
No Matter which Church you belong to, you cannot deny that the doctrines which YOU use, and some which you refuse to use, were handed down by infallible decisions made by the
Catholic Church.

The Canon, or list of inspired books of the Old Testament was debated in several Church Councils, and by infallible decision by the Catholic Church, was finalized in 397 in the Council of Carthage. Forty-six books were listed as inspired. These same 46 books are in all Catholic Bibles today.
The Canon of the New Testament was debated in several Church Councils, and by an infallible decision made by the Catholic Church at the same Council of Carthage in 397, the 27 books included in ALL Bibles today were finalized.

The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity was decided at the Council of Nicea I in 325. Jesus Christ, being GOD, was declared equal to the Father and to the Holy Spirit. An infallible decision was made by the Catholic Church on a subject that almost all fundamentalists accept today, yet is NOT defined in Holy Scripture. The doctrine is manifested in the Nicene Creed:

"We believe in one GOD, the Father Almighty, creator of Heaven and earth, of all things both visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of GOD, born of the Father before all time; light from light, true GOD from true GOD; begotten, not created, consubstantial with the Father; through Him all things were made. For the sake of us men and for our salvation, He came down from Heaven, and was made flesh by the Holy Spirit from the Virgin Mary, and became man; and He was crucified for our sake under Pontius Pilate, suffered, died, and was buried. And on the third day He arose according to the Scriptures; He ascended into Heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father, and is going to come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. His reign will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life; He proceeds from the Father and the son, is adored and honored together with the Father and the Son; He spoke through the prophets. We believe in ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC Church. We profess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We expect the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Sola Scriptura believers, please show me the verse which defines the
'Holy Trinity'.

The Primacy of the Bishop of Rome, (the Western Church), is affirmed as being over the Primacy of the Bishop of Constantinople, (the Eastern Church). This decision is spelled out in Canon 3, of the
First Council of Constantinople in 381.
I have included this one because fundamentalists insist that the Bishop of Rome was never given primacy in the Catholic Church.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is declared 'Ever Virgin' and the Mother of GOD at the Catholic Council of Ephesus in 431. This is another infallible decision made by the Catholic Church.

In the Council of Chalcedon in 451, Jesus Christ is defined as one person with two natures, one divine and one human.
The Virgin Birth is defined and affirmed.
"By not being pupils of truth, they turn out to be masters of error."
A great one-liner from this council...

The Second Council of Constantinople in 553 declared, a reaffirmation of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, that Jesus Christ was not two persons, but one with two natures, that Jesus Christ is GOD, the second person of the Holy Trinity, that Blessed Mary is ever virgin and that she is the Mother of GOD.

The defense of Tradition of the Church, whether written or oral, was a firm commitment in the Council of Nicea II in 787. It was affirmed that Church Tradition came from the Holy Spirit and must be preserved and perpetuated. Anyone found to be not perpetuating Tradition...'Let him be Anathema'.
The Catholic Church was affirmed to be 'without blemish or wrinkle'.
Holy images of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin GOD Bearer, Angels, and Saints are to be displayed in the Churches.
These decrees from the only Christian Church in existence at the time, came over 700 years before the start of protestantism.

The Fourth Council of Constantinople in 869-870, under canon #1, stated to keep the declarations and teachings of the Holy Fathers. 'We will preserve the Traditions which we have received, either by WORD, or by LETTER'.
Canon #2 stated, 'Obey your leaders, for they are keeping watch over your souls'.
Canon #3 said, 'Icons should be honored and venerated'.
So here again, the Catholic Church decreed to keep the traditions, as St. Paul had taught us in 2Thess 2:15

The Council of Trent called in 1545, in response to the protestant reformation, reaffirmed that the Deuterocanonical books were inspired, and will remain in the canon of the Old Testament where they had been for over 1500 years.
Contrary to what fundamentalists charge, these books were in the
Septuagint (100 B.C.), and the Latin Vulgate, and remain today in all Catholic bibles, and are now even in some King James bibles.
The Council decreed, "If anyone does not receive the entire books with all their parts as they are accustomed to be read in the
Catholic Church, and in the old Latin Vulgate edition, as sacred and canonical...let him be anathema."
They were
NOT ADDED by this Council, but merely reaffirmed as canonical.

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