Day # one:
GOD is Spirit:
Did GOD create demons...............NO
Question: Jesus
Was Jesus a Divine person.............YES, Phil 2:6
Was Jesus a human person.............NO, He is one person with two natures.
*TS-252, *TB-91
Did Jesus have a Divine nature.......YES, Phil 2:6
Did Jesus have a human nature......YES, Phil 2:7
Did Jesus have a human soul..........YES
Question: Jesus the Christ
Did He have a Divine intellect.........YES
Did He have a human intellect........YES
Did He have a Divine will................YES
Did He have a human will...............YES
Was she the mother of a Divine person...............................YES
Was she the mother of a human person..............................NO
Was she the mother of a person with a Divine nature.........YES
Was she the mother of a person with a human nature........YES
Day # 6:
Holy Eucharist, Communion:
There are four opinions by Christians as to what the Eucharist is:
a. The Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ..........YES, the
Catholic Church teaching
b. Christ is in the bread and the wine......................................NO
c. The bread becomes GOD if you believe it............................NO
d. It is only bread and wine, a symbol of GOD........................NO