Class Day # 4....
Basic Theology...

DAY # 4 of 7:


*************INVOKE THE HOLY SPIRIT*************
Study Aid: Chart # 7, Faith & Common Sense, as a review for day # 3.


. Mass, in Latin, is Ite Missa Est = Go it is the dismissal, the last words of the Latin Eucharistic service.

2. The Last Supper:1COR 11:19-27, MATT 26:26-29, LUKE 22:14-20, JOHN 6:, MARK 14:22

3. The Mass is the only infinite and unlimited sacrifice. The victim is offered to GOD for sin. The Mass is love in action. Jesus Christ is both the High Priest and the victim.
4. To understand the Mass, we must understand:
JESUS while dying in HIS human nature, was living in HIS Divine nature. *TB 92, *TS 240-241.


1. After Adam and Eve sinned, an offense against GOD was made.
a. Satans' power became effective.
b. Sin now has an infinite effect because an offense is measured by the one offended.
c. From the beginning of time, man offered sacrifice, a victim, to GOD for sin. This is the Apology of man.

2. The Offense:
How is it measured? It is measured by the one offended.

3. The Apology:
How is it measured? It is measured according to the one making the apology.

GOD IS TIMELESS AND SPACELESS: *TS 62-69,146-148, *TB 12-20

1. HE is eternal presence. HE is NOW! GOD has no past and no future.
From CREATION >-----------TO----------->THE LAST JUDGEMENT, all in between is NOW with GOD. (omnipresent, immutable - not subject to change)

2. GOD and CREATOR is unlimited and infinite. Man and creature are limited and finite.


1. Chapter 1, GOD made man.

2. Chapter 2 and 3, man fouled up and disobeyed GOD.

3. Chapter 3, GOD will send a Redeemer, born of woman, and HER seed will crush satans' head. "I WILL PUT ENMITY BETWEEN THEE AND THE WOMAN". MARY was involved in redemption. That makes HER a co-redeemer from the very beginning. *GEN 3:15 (?)

4. *GEN 4:1-8 Cain killed Abel because he was jealous of Abel's sacrifice.

5. Abraham and Sarah had Isaac. GOD told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac which he almost did, *GEN 22:1-14 (?). Isaac wed Rebekah and had twin sons, Esau, the firstborn, who was to receive the blessing, and Jacob. Rebekah deceived Isaac and obtained the blessing for Jacob. GOD renamed Jacob, Israel. *GEN 32:29

6. *EXODUS 19: GOD made the 'Old Covenant' with Moses. GOD said: "I WILL BE YOUR GOD AND YOU WILL BE MY PEOPLE (EX 6:7)." The people made sacrifice by the bloodshed of animals. Joshua, Hebrew for JESUS, leads the Jews into the promised land. At 'The Last Supper', the 'New Covenant' was made. *MATT 26:28, *MARK 14:24, *LUKE 22:20

7. CHRIST comes from *PS 110:4, a Priest forever according to Melchisedek, also *HEB 5:6. HE (JESUS) will be both KING and PRIEST, the only one in the New Testament to be both. HE comes from the Priestly order of Melchizedek, from the tribe of Judah of the house of David, by GODS' appointment, HEB 5:1-6, and not by descent. Old Testament priests were from the tribe of Levi (Levitical priests) by descent.


. JESUS came after MARY. JESUS, means savior. HE came into existence at the Annunciation:
LUKE 1:31, "YOU SHALL CALL HIS NAME JESUS". JESUS is not mentioned in the Old Testament. *TS 233

2. CHRIST, in Greek is CHRISTOS, in Hebrew - MESSIAH, *JOHN 1:41, the one set aside for sacrifice, the Anointed one. CHRIST is the 2nd person of the HOLY TRINITY and HE always existed. HE is mentioned in the Old Testament. *DAN 9:25-26.


a. HE has a Physical Body. LUKE 2:6-7
b. HE has a Mystical Body, the Church. ROM 12:4-5, 1COR 12:20-27, EPH 1:22-23,5:30, COL 1:24
c. HE has a Eucharistic Body. MATT 26:26, 1COR 11:23-29
d. HE has a Glorified Body. JOHN 20:24-29


. The Jewish temple had different sections within it:
a. The Holy of Holies section was used for sacrifice. On Fridays at 3 P.M. many lambs were sacrificed.
b. The Synagogue had scripture readings, prayer, and no sacrifices. Ten or more families had to have a synagogue. This is where JESUS started.

2. You must have infinite sacrifice to balance infinite offense. GOD must do it, for man cannot. Man must be at one with GOD, at-one-ment (atonement). JESUS is the atoner. *TB 81, *TS 197

3. GOD becomes JESUS, the CHRIST, the one set aside for sacrifice.

4. *2COR 5:21, GOD made JESUS to be sin, to bear the sins of mankind. GOD could not die for sin as GOD. HE had to take on human nature to represent the offender and to suffer. *CCC 612-623

5. *JOHN Chapter 6: is about the promise of the last supper.

6. At "The Last Supper" or "Last Passover", where HE gave us eternal sacrifice, JESUS said, "THIS IS MY BODY", and "THIS IS MY BLOOD", MATT 26:26-28 (read). This is true because JESUS said it. The bread is HIS body broken, and the wine is HIS blood, shed.

7. *1COR 11:23-29 (read), is the tradition of the institution of the Last Supper. Vs25-26, is the NEW COVENANT. You are proclaiming the death of JESUS until HE comes again, proclaiming the eternal sacrifice. The Mass is a memorial. HE said, "DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME". As often as this is done we are making Calvary come alive on the altar. MALACHI 1:11, DAN 12:11 refer to the MASS.

8. Calvary was the sacrifice unlimited where CHRIST shed HIS blood. HE offered HIMSELF as the sacrifice unlimited. This had to happen to make up for unlimited sin against GOD.

9. The support for the offertory of the Mass, the bread and wine, bought with our money represents us. Through the consecration, we are all united with CHRIST on the cross. The bread and wine are united with CHRIST. We bring the bread and wine and go out with the living CHRIST. Communion is the living CHRIST. *opt (our money is turned into CHRIST)

10. *HEB 7:, Melchizedek is a figure of CHRIST.
*HEB 7: thru 10:, is all about the Priesthood and the Mass. *1PET 2:5-9, 'We Are All Priests',
*CCC 1546-1547,1591, *REV 1:6,5:9-10, *HEB 7: and 9:.


STUDY AID: Chart # 7, Faith and Common sense

*************INVOKE THE HOLY SPIRIT*************
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Updated May 11, 2000

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