Day # 5...
The Sacraments, Part 1...

DAY # 5 of 7:


*TBxxx refers to Theology For Beginners,
*TSxxx is Theology & Sanity
*CCCxxx refers to The New Catechism.

*************INVOKE THE HOLY SPIRIT*************


*ROM 1:18-20, 1PET 4:10, *CCC 1987-2040

1. Grace is a supernatural 'GIFT' which makes the soul pleasing to GOD, and raises us up to GODS' level. Grace comes to us through prayer and the Sacraments. (?)
a. A gift is given with no strings attached.
b. A present is given with strings attached.
c. Without the Gift of the Grace of GOD, we can do nothing by ourselves. JOHN 15:5, EPH 2:8

2. The first Adam ate of the tree of knowledge and brought death to us. JESUS, the second Adam (1COR 15:45), brings life to us if we eat of the fruit of HIS tree, the cross.

3. In the order of creation, substance changes in lower forms make higher forms of life. Grace raises human life to GOD who lives in us.

Higher forms >           Divine Life.......................GOD, spirit, no parts and no substance. *TB 12
                                    Human Life......................Body, spiritual soul, life, senses, intellect, free will.
                                    Animal Life......................Body, soul, life, and senses.
                                    Plant Life.........................Body, soul, and life.
Lower  forms >           Chemicals/Minerals.......Body, matter, substance.

4. Sanctifying grace (?) makes the soul pleasing to GOD. Sanctify means, to make holy. It is the supernatural state of being infused by GOD. We receive it through Baptism (CCC 1999).
2COR 5:17, *CCC 1999-2000,2023-2024, *TB 67-70, *TS 186-195, 402-405.

5. Actual grace (?) is a temporary supernatural intervention by GOD to enlighten the mind or to strengthen the will. It helps us to do good and to avoid evil. *TB 137-138,143

6. Sacramental grace (?), which we receive through the sacraments, helps us to do what each sacrament demands of us. *CCC 2003


1. The sacrament cannot fail if we co-operate with GOD.

    IN THE  NATURAL STAGES                              IN THE SUPERNATURAL
2. OF HUMAN LIFE-------------------------------------- (SPIRITUAL) LIFE, THE SACRAMENTS.

a. We are Born.............................................................Baptism, Born in GODS life.
b. We make Apology....................................................Reconciliation, penance.
c. We need Food...........................................................Eucharist, to give thanks. Food for the soul.
d. We Mature, get Strong............................................Confirmation, get strong spiritually.
e. We get Sick...............................................................Anointing of the sick.
f. Some get Married.....................................................Matrimony.
g. Some become Priests................................................Holy Orders.

3. A sacrament is a sign on the outside to show what is going on inside. It is a sensible sign that gives grace.

4. Sacraments are the 'switch' of life. (light bulb demo)


*JOHN 3:1-5, MATT 28:19, *CCC 1213-1284, *TS 256,285.

1. Sends sin out of the soul. The soul becomes a temple of GOD. THE HOLY SPIRIT comes into the soul and dwells within us.

2. JOHN 3:1-5, Born again of water and of THE HOLY SPIRIT. Water and words are the outward sign. The SPIRIT coming in is the inward action.


Form.....................I Baptize you in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Minister...............Anyone who has the right intention to do what the church does and has the use of reason.

Subject..................Anyone who has not been baptized and has the right intention.

Effect.....................Sin goes out, GOD comes in, and the recipient becomes a member of the Mystical Body of CHRIST, the Church.

4. Anyone can be baptized conditionally if there is doubt of a previous baptism..

5. GOD lives in each person if he/she wants HIM to.


1. Baptism by water, by sprinkling, pouring, or by immersion.
2. Baptism by blood, which is martyrdom.
3. Baptism of desire. If you die before preparations were completed but had good intentions.
    The good thief on the cross is a good example. Luke 23:39-43


*MATT 1:21, JOHN 8:3-11, *CCC 1422-1498,2490.

1. The 'Seal of Confession' prohibits the priest from mentioning anything heard in confession. The priest is bound by the Seal because the sins are confessed to JESUS. The priest is acting in the Person of Christ (in personna Christi 2COR 2:10). If asked, the Priest can say, "I Do Not Know At All, of what was heard, since JESUS is the one being confessed to". If you overhear an others confession, you too, are bound by the seal.

2. MATT 1:21, JESUS will be born to save us from sin.

3. LUKE 5:17-26, JESUS shows that when HE says it, it happens. HE uses HIS power on earth to forgive sins. (omnipotent)

4. LUKE 7:36-50, JESUS forgave. Those who love much are forgiven much. Those who love little are forgiven little. (Verse-47)

Matter........Personal sin.

Form...........'I absolve you from your sins, in the name of THE FATHER and of THE SON and of THE HOLY SPIRIT'.

Minister......An ordained priest.

Subject........A baptized person, a sinner with the use of reason.

Effect..........Absolution of sin. Sin goes out and THE HOLY SPIRIT comes in. All sins are washed away by the blood of CHRIST.

6. If you cannot be sorry for yourselves then be sorry for hurting JESUS.

SIN: CCC 1854-1864

1. Mortal is Mors, Death. Mortal sin removes all grace from the soul. Mortal sin is the "Sin unto death" as explained in 1JOHN 5:16-17.
To commit a mortal sin, ALL of the following must be true:
a. You have to have full knowledge that it is a mortal sin by using your Intellect; This is to know GOD.
b. You have to give your full consent using your Free will. This is to love GOD.
c. You have to know that it is a Serious Matter, a sin against the 10 Commandments. GOD gave us Life. This is to serve GOD.

If anyone of these is missing, it makes it no sin or a less serious sin. 1JOHN 5:16-17, *CCC 1854-1864, 1874.

2. Serious sin: Commission of a sin, doing what you know you should not. If you cut someones throat its serious. If the person dies it's mortal.

3. Sin of omission: Not doing what you know you should.

4. All sin enters through pride. Kill pride, bring in humility, bring in obedience, and holiness follows.
1COR 13: This says it all, 'LOVE'.

APECHO: (Greek)

Means "Paid In Full". If you are doing something in public to gain attention, then you are "paid in full" already. You should pray in secret and fast in secret. *MATT 6:6


*TB 156-157, *TS 302-303, *CCC 1373-1377

1. The substance of bread is turned into the substance of HIS body. The substance of wine is turned into the substance of HIS blood.

2. Accidents, are properties, or characteristics in the material itself. Its size, shape, color, texture, etc.

3. In the transubstantiation of bread and wine, the substance changes, but the accidents, remain the same.

STUDY AID: Chart # 2, The Test

*************INVOKE THE HOLY SPIRIT*************

End Day # 5

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Updated October 3, 2000

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