2. The priest would say in Latin: 'Hoc Est Enim Corpus Meum', which means, 'For This Is My Body'. Detractors would say it sounds like hocus pocus.
3. *EX 16:15, Moses did not give
them the manna in the desert, GOD gave it to them. There were six hundred
thousand men alone, not counting women and children, EX 12:37. All told,
there were probably nearly two million people wandering in the desert for
many years. GOD provided them with food for their bodies.
*JOHN CHAPTER 6:, Is preparing for Passover or The Last Supper. In verses
1-15 in the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes, Jesus provided
food for their bodies. In verses 22-72, Jesus provided food for their souls.
In JOHN 6:54-67, some misunderstood what HE said and walked away, but HE
did not apologize, because HE could not compromise truth.
4. When we take communion it turns into our body, (anabolism). We consume HIM and HE assimilates us.
5. MATT 13: Listening to GOD.
a. GOD gave us two ears and one mouth so we would listen to HIM twice more
than what we say to HIM.
Matter.........Your bread and wine. *(matter is what we start with)
Form....(?)...Body of CHRIST, Amen. *(what the minister says, not the priest)
Minister.......Anyone Baptized, who has the use of reason and intends to
do what the church does. Subject........Anyone Baptized, who knows the
Eucharist and knows the difference between it, and ordinary bread.
Effect..........GOD and I are one. CHRIST is with me, the two being one,
uno, union, communion.
7. Are we seeing something else
and missing CHRIST? Are we setting up barriers? If you truly believe the
Eucharist is CHRIST, then there are no barriers and NOTHING else matters.
GOD is giving something to us. We need to focus on HIM and no other. HE
gives HIMSELF completely. GOD is the lover and man is the beloved. The
lover wants to be with the beloved.
Refugees from hell should never complain. Once you have found CHRIST, to
lose HIM is hell. *TS 278.
8. PHILIPPIANS 2:1-11 In your
minds, you must think as CHRIST thinks.
a. In your intellect and attitude, think as JESUS thinks.
b. In your will, love as JESUS loves.
c. In your life, serve as JESUS serves.
1. 1 JOHN 4:8, GOD is Love.
Faith is......................Believe, because HE said it and HE would
not deceive us.
Hope is......................Promise, that will be fulfilled.
Charity/Love is..........The greatest of these is LOVE, the lover, the
Matter..................Oil of Chrism. This is oil blessed by a Bishop
on Holy Thursday. Form....................Be sealed with the gift of THE
HOLY SPIRIT. This strengthens us. Minister...............A Bishop. In extraordinary
circumstances, a Priest.
Subject................One Baptized.
Effect...................Courage to live on the battlefield of life, to
ward off our enemies of the world, the flesh and the devil.
4. Life is a journey with GOD. The Sacraments help us to prepare for and live the journey.
5. Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
are the complementary Sacraments. *CCC 1212,1285.
In every Sacrament we meet GOD, our SAVIOR, our LORD.
5. Remember, you affect millions when you marry. (generations of offspring)
6. You cannot give something away that you do not have - LOVE.
7. It is invalid to go through a marriage with barriers. Get it annulled. There are more than 30 valid reasons to obtain an annulment. *CCC 2383.
2. Holy Orders can be given only once in a lifetime, and when received, the man is a priest forever. *HEB5:6,7:17,7:21, *PS110:4
3. Semen is Latin for 'seed'. The seminary is the seed bed. The priest gets his vocation (calling) the morning of ordination. Adsum (what the seminarian says) is, 'I am present and ready'. (?)
Matter.........Oil of the sick, Oleum Infirmorum
Form...........I anoint you with the oil of salvation.
Minister.......A priest. (the priest first tries reconciliation). They
say the last thing that goes is the hearing. The priest will try
to communicate even if it is only the blink of an eye.
Subject........A sick baptized person. It can be done for any kind of sickness,
once a month, or in a new sickness.
Effect...........Forgiveness of venial, but not serious sin. *(read CCC
1532 for conditions) It helps to stay with GOD and stand firm in sanctifying,
actual, and sacramental graces.