Class, Day # 7...
The Pope, Laws, and The Bible...

DAY # 7 of 7:


(?) Means see question sheet.

*************INVOKE THE HOLY SPIRIT*************


*TB 117-120, *CCC 551-553, 2030-2035, *TS 288,294-297,299,305,308. MATT 16:18-19,
LUKE 22:29-32, ACTS 15:7

1. Fallus: In Latin means error or mistake. It is the opposite of truth.

2. Cathedra: In Latin means "chair". From it we get "cathedral" which is the seat of a Bishop, the teachers in the Church.

3. In The BIBLE, when JESUS sat down to teach, HE was teaching with authority.

4. Papal infallibility means the inability to teach error. The POPE, having received wise counsel, is speaking with infallibility when he is teaching to the whole world on faith and morals while sitting in the chair of ST PETER. This became Church doctrine in 1870. The chair of St Peter is "typed" in MATT 23:2 as the "Chair of Moses". It was the "Mercy Seat" or "Propitiatory" as described in (read) EX 25:17-22.

5. Other important doctrines set forth by previous Popes are:

a. In 1854, 'THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION'. In 1858 'OUR LADY' appeared to
ST BERNADETTE at LOURDES and confirmed this doctrine by saying "I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION". LUKE 1:28

b. In 1950, 'THE ASSUMPTION'. REV 11:19-12:1-5



1. Law is a rule of conduct made by competent lawmakers for the common good and made known to the people concerned. Once it is known, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

2. Laws can be made by GOD. HIS laws bind all men, and can only be changed by GOD. These are the Ten Commandments. EX 20:1-17

3. Laws can be made by man and changed by man. These laws bind only those concerned.

4. There are Church laws (Canon Laws) and these can be changed by the Church.



*CCC 2052-2557

1. The first three are concerning GOD:
a. (1st) I am the LORD thy GOD. If you keep this one, the rest will fall in line.
b. (2nd) Keep GODS' name holy.
c. (3rd) Keep GODS' day holy. Do not miss Mass, HEB 10:25-26. The old law was the Sabbath. The new law is Die Dominica. (Day of the Lord, ACTS 1:10). See ACTS 20:7

2. The 4th concerns parents and children.
a. (4th) Honor your father and mother. Children belong to GOD. Parents must lead their children to GOD. In MATT 28:19-20, CHRIST said teach them and baptize them. GOD gave children to parents. HE did not give parents to children. The family supports the church and the state and all societies. When the family breaks down, it affects the church and the state.

3. The 5th through the 10th commandments concern man's relationship to man.

a. (5th) Do not kill, respect life. You have your right to your life and it is NOT greater than my right to mine. You can kill in self defense or wartime. The state has a right to kill. *CCC 2265-2266

b. (6th) Do not commit adultery. This is purity. You must respect persons and their bodies and their dignity. Bodies are not to be used and abused. GOD sanctified the human body when HE became man. People have dignity, self respect, self esteem, value, and worth.
Impure thoughts lead to impure actions if not checked.

c. (7th) Do not steal. Respect property. Do not take what belongs to others. Pay bills when you can. If you find something, you have an obligation to find the owner, or pass it by. Pay taxes. Give to Caesar the things which are Caesar's and to GOD, the things which are GOD's.
*MATT 22:21, MARK 12:17, LUKE 20:25.

d. (8th) Do not lie. Have respect for the truth. A lie is saying with the lips, something contrary to the truth in the mind. A mental reservation, a mental thought that is kept back or withheld, is not a lie. GOD said "DO NOT JUDGE", MATT 7:1. You can judge the actions of children.

e. (9th) Do not covet an others wife (or husband). This concerns thoughts and temptations. Temptations are a test of the will.

f. (10th) Do not covet an others goods. Do not be greedy, for greed is never satisfied. Respect property and justice. Temptation can be good and not bad. A decision, the Free Will comes into play. I will do what I know to be good or to be bad. If you overcome temptation, you will become stronger. If you give in to temptation, you will become weaker. Emotions get stronger by solving problems. Every problem provides the opportunity to find a solution. Eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive.


1. Sunday worship. Avoid unnecessary servile work. *(opt) To be poor, work on Sunday...
2. Friday, fast and abstain. You can do this to honor GOD during Lent.
3. Reconciliation once a year if in mortal sin. Advise that you to go as often as you want. You go to meet JESUS and to apologize to HIM.
4. Communion at least once a year from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. (Easter time)
5. Support the church.


*CCC 105-141

1. There are two banisters of church teaching. *CCC 85-100, *TS 115.
a. The Bible. The Magisterium interprets the Bible for us.
b. Tradition. *1COR 11:2, 2THESS 2:15. The Magisterium insures traditional teachings are accurately adhered to. *2TIM 2:2

2. The Bible is the product of the church. The Catholic Church is the only Church which Jesus Christ founded, and it existed for many years before the Gospels and Epistles were written. By the time the last book of the Bible was written, the Church was already on its 5th Pope, St. Evaristus. The Church decided by 397, which books were to be included in the Bible as it stands today.

3. The "Synoptic" gospels are similar. They are, MATTHEW, MARK and LUKE. Each was written to a different group, MATTHEW to the Jews, MARK to the Romans, and LUKE to the Gentiles.

4. JOHN is a 'portrait' gospel. Portrait means a picture of who JESUS is.

5. *JOHN 10:30 Jesus says, "I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE" (divine nature speaking). *JOHN 14:28, JESUS says, "THE FATHER IS GREATER THAN I" (human nature speaking). There are no conflicts in the Bible only apparent conflicts. *TS 253

6. (?) The Apocryphal Books are books not accepted as inspired to be included in the Bible. The main difference between Catholic and prot-estant Bibles is that their Bibles have 7 fewer books. These books are: Tobias, Baruch, Wisdom, Judith, Ecclesiasticus, and 1 and 2 Maccabees.


1. The Jews wanted to destroy the Christians because Christ said He was GOD. The Romans wanted to destroy them because Christ called Himself King. As a result, the Christians practiced secretly in catacombs and in each others homes. In 313 AD, Constantine, who was the first Christian ruler of Rome, gave permission to practice the faith openly.
2. The fish (icthos in Greek) was used as a symbol of Christianity before the faith was practiced openly. This was used to avoid persecution. ICTHOS is the capital letters of 'JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD'.




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END DAY # 7...

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