*TB xxx is: Theology for Beginners,
*TS xxx is: Theology and Sanity.
ACCIDENTS: Properties
or characteristics of a substance. Whatever the senses can perceive. Bread
has color, taste, odor, shape, softness. *TB 156-157
ANABOLISM: The phase
of metabolism in which simple substances are synthesized into the
complex materials of living tissue. The opposite of Catabolism.
ANGEL: A spiritual being
created by GOD.
APOSTLE: One of the original
12 disciples chosen by JESUS to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. St Paul
is called the 13th Apostle, the Apostle of the Gentiles.
APOSTOLIC: Relating to
the faith, teaching, or practice times of the 12 original Apostles. Relating
to a succession of spiritual authority from the 12 Apostles.
ATTRIBUTE: A quality
or characteristic inherent in, or ascribed to someone or something.
BODY: The physical substance
of a person, animal, or thing. Human knowledge with the material world
comes through the five senses.
CATABOLISM: The metabolic
breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones.
CHRIST: Of the Greek
CHRISTOS, the Hebrew Messiah, the Anointed one, the long awaited Savior.
The one set aside for sacrifice. CHRIST is eternal and always existed.
HE is mentioned in the O.T., *DAN 9:25-26. See 'JESUS'.
CONSCIENCE: Is the judgement
of the intellect. It is conceived to decide as to the moral quality of
one's own thoughts or acts, enjoining what is good.
DEATH: The separation
of the soul from the body. *TS184, *TB92
DEVIL/DEMON: A spiritual
being who once was an angel but refused to obey GOD. They were banished
from Heaven and became the devil and demons. GOD did not create them. The
devil is Lucifer, the others are demons. *TB75
DISCIPLE: One who embraces
and assists in the spreading of the teachings of another.
ENMITY: In the spiritual
sense it means opposite or opposing. *GEN3:15
ERROR: The opposite of
truth. Acceptance of what is untrue.
ETERNITY: Time without
beginning or end. Infinite time.
FEELINGS: An emotional
state or a normal, natural, spontaneous reaction. Feelings are neutral,
being neither right nor wrong. There is no morality to feelings.
FREE WILL: I will power,
I won't power. Free to chose to love GOD or not. The power to decide.
GENTILE: One who is not
of the Jewish faith or is of a non-Jewish nation.
GRACE: See question sheet.
HEAVEN: The abode of
GOD, the Angels, and the souls of those who are granted salvation. An eternal
state of communion with GOD. We have no idea of what Heaven is really like.
We each choose for ourselves, Heaven or hell.
HELL: The abode of condemned
souls, the devil and demons. The place of eternal punishment. GOD
does not send anyone to hell. Each one of us decides for ourselves where
we will spend eternity.
IMMUTABLE: Not subject
to change, unchangable, as in reference to GOD.
INFINITE: Having no end
or limits.
INTELLECT: The power
to have ideas, to reason, to think and to know. The power to acquire
knowledge. To know GOD is the primary goal.
JESUS: Joshua, means
savior, or 'The Lord is Salvation'. JESUS, THE CHRIST, is the more
correct name of OUR LORD and was shortened to JESUS CHRIST. JESUS did not
always exist. HE came into being at the Annunciation. HE is not mentioned
in the 'Old Testament', *LUKE 1:31. See 'CHRIST'.
LOVE: A decision and
not a feeling. There are 4 kinds of love.
Stergein is love of parents for children.
Eros is love of a man and woman for each other.
Philein, like Philadelphia, is love of brother and love
of friend for friend.
Agape (ah-gah-pay) is love for our enemies. Love of GOD
is all of these.
in conjunction with the Cardinals and the Bishops, and with the guidance
of the Holy Spirit, is the teaching authority and protector of Sacred Tradition
and Holy Scripture in the Church.
the world we sense with our five senses and it has chemicals, minerals,
plants, animals and humans.
MESSIAH: The expected
savior. In Hebrew, it means 'The Anointed One'.
MIND: Action of the spiritual
soul on the brain. We have a conscious mind, a subconscious mind and
a supra conscious mind.
MYSTERY: Something that
is not fully understood, or that baffles or eludes understanding.
A religious truth that is incomprehensible to the reason, and knowable only
through divine revelation. We cannot know all about, but we can know a
lot about a mystery.
NATURE: That which makes
a thing to be what it is. It is a source of what it can do. Everything
has a nature. Everything is not a person. We are each one person with one
nature. GOD is three persons with one nature. JESUS is one person with
two natures, a human nature and a divine nature. Nature poses the
question 'WHAT',
not 'WHO'. See 'PERSON'. *TS241-248
OMNIPOTENT: Having unlimited
power, authority, or force. All powerful.
everywhere simultaneously.
OMNISCIENT: Having total
knowledge, knowing everything.
PERSON: The center of
attribution in a rational nature. Person has a body, soul, spirit, intellect,
and free will. Person possesses a nature, not vice- versa. Person poses
the question WHO, not WHAT. See 'NATURE'. *TS241-248
PURGATORY: A place in
which the souls of those who have died in grace stay, in order to be purified
of their sins. The greatest torture in Purgatory is to be separated from
GOD for a time. 2MACH 12:43,46
RATIONAL: Having the
ability to reason. Logical.
REASON: The capacity
for logical and rational thought.
SAINT: A deceased person
officially recognized by the Church as being entitled to veneration
and capable of intercession for people still living.
SIN: An offense against
GOD, man, or self.
SOUL: The life force
of the body. The principle of life. Every living thing has a soul. There
is no element in the soul that is not the whole soul.
SPACE: Is what matter
spreads its parts in. Since GOD is spirit and has no parts, HE does not
occupy space. See 'Time'. *TS 60, *TB 13
SPIRIT: Has no parts
and occupies no space. Spirit is indestructible, by GODS' will. Humans
have a spiritual soul. Humans only, link the material world to the spiritual
world. The human Spirit is the image of GOD.
in humans. It has the intellect and free will. It knows and reasons
and has ideas. The Spiritual Soul knows, loves, and animates the body.
It has no parts, therefore it cannot die. It lives on forever. *TS 165-166
sense it with our five senses. It has GOD, Angels, human spiritual
souls, the devil, and demons.
SUBSTANCE: Matter, that
which has mass and occupies space. Material of a particular kind or constitution.
Only the mind knows the substance. In transubstantiation, the substance
changes (mind perceives), accidents (perceived by five senses) remain
the same. See Accidents. *TB 156-157
SYNOPTIC: Presenting
a summary of the principal parts or a general view of the whole.
TIME: Is a measure of
change. Everything in the material world changes. Since GOD never
changes, HE is not in time. See 'Space'. *TS 66,146-148, *TB 19
Church doctrine, teaching that the SUBSTANCE of the bread and wine of the
Eucharist are transformed into the SUBSTANCE of the Body and Blood of JESUS
although their appearances remain the same.
TRUTH: The opposite of
error. Conformable to fact, correct. There is subjective truth and objective
truth. Truth can be found by testing.
GOD is spirit and has no body.
HE is three persons with one nature.
When one thinks, all think. When one decides, all decide. What one knows,
all know.
HE is outside of time and space. He has no past or future. HE is eternal
and NOW.
HE is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Immutable (see above).
one person with two natures. HE has a divine nature and a human nature.
HE is the second person of the HOLY TRINITY. JESUS is a divine person,
and not a human person. JESUS, the person, died on the cross. Since the
person dies and not the nature, GOD died on the cross.
triune GODHEAD. It consists of three distinct but not separate persons,
THE FATHER, THE SON, and THE HOLY SPIRIT. All three have the same
nature of GOD. THE HOLY TRINITY is a mystery and can not be fully understood
by even the greatest theologians.