Here is an actual question I received, written
by a Seventh Day Adventist.
NIV, KJV, NKJV, RSV etc. have all God's Commandments
HOWEVER, the catholic catechism has totally deleted the 2nd commandment,
and split the 10th into 2 to make up 10 commandments.
They CHANGED Gods Law!!!!
Now let us just see who really are the 'they'
who 'CHANGED God's Law'...
Protestant sources of their charges that the Catholic Church changed
the Ten Commandments...
1. KJV.....(King James) first appeared on the scene in 1611, a product
of Protestantism.
2. NIV.....(New International Version) first appeared on the scene in 1978.
3. NKJV...(New King James Version) first appeared on the scene in 1982.
4. RSV.....(Revised Standard Version) first appeared on the scene in 1946
Catholic sources of our defense to the baseless charges of Catholics
changing the Ten Commandments...
1. Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) appeared on the scene in
1992. It lists the Ten Commandments as they were before
Christ was born.
2. NJB...first appeared on the scene in 1985. The NJB (New Jerusalem) supports
the CCC.
3. NAB...first appeared on the scene in 1970. The NAB (New American) supports
the CCC.
4. JB......first appeared on the scene in 1966. The JB (Jerusalem) supports
the CCC.
5. RSV-CE...first appeared on the scene in 1965. The RSV-CE (Revised Standatd
Version-Catholic Edition) supports the CCC.
6. NCE...first appeared on the scene in 1954. The NCE (New Catholic Edition)
supports the CCC.
7. CE...first appeared on the scene in 1948. The CE (Confraternity Edition)
supports the CCC.
8. Challoner-Rheims...first appeared on the scene in 1749. The Challoner-Rheims
supports the CCC.
9. Douay-Rheims...first appeared on the scene in 1592-1609. The Douay-Rheims
supports the CCC. Note that the date for this Bible predates any Protestant
Bible by at least 2 years.
10. The Latin Vulgate...first appeared on the scene in 404.
The Latin Vulgate supports the CCC. Note that the date for this Bible predates
any Protestant Bible by over 1200 years.
11. The Septuagint...first appeared on the scene about 148 B.C..
This is the Bible that was used by the Apostles. The Septuagint supports
the CCC. Note that the date for this Bible predates any Protestant Bible
by over 1700 years.
Now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to show that
the Ten Commandments
could not possibly have been changed by the Catholic Church which did
not even exist for almost 200 years after the Septuagint was written. Add
to that the fact that ALL Catholic Bibles,
ALL the way back to 148 B.C.,
are in agreement, and yet Protestant Bibles which did not even appear on
the scene until 1611, list the commandments in the 'different' order.
It seems that nothing was changed until the King James Bible came along.
I might add also that the false charge that the Catholic Church at the
Council of Trent in 1546, added the seven books missing in protestant bibles,
is just that, another baseless false charge. If you will take the time
to check all Catholic Bibles including the Septuagint, you will find all
seven books intact. The King James, a protestant bible however, does not
have them. Hmmm so who is the guilty party here for removing those books?
Read Rev 22:18-19.
So...WHO really
did change the Ten Commandments?
Please, if you are going to make charges against the Catholic Church,
then do it with real evidence (if you can find any) and not by personal
We are all looking for the truth and not trumped up charges.
Written by Bob Stanley, July 26, 1998
Revised, January 15, 2000
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