How do I know? The Bible tells me so...

It is the duty of each one of us to seek out the truth. If we fail to do so, the consequences are dire. You only have this life in which to find it and if you fail to seek the truth now, you will not have another chance.

"And his coming is according to the working of satan with all power and signs and LYING wonders, and with all wicked deception to those who are perishing. FOR THEY HAVE NOT RECEIVED THE LOVE OF TRUTH THAT THEY MIGHT BE SAVED. THEREFORE GOD SENDS THEM A MISLEADING INFLUENCE THAT THEY MIGHT BELIEVE FALSEHOOD, THAT ALL MAY BE JUDGED WHO HAVE NOT BELIEVED THE TRUTH, BUT HAVE PREFERRED WICKEDNESS. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

All who are not in the Church of Truth, the Church which Jesus Christ founded, are danger of being in this category. There are over 28,000 Christian Churches out there, but there is only one that has the truth. It stands to reason that if all had the truth, there would be only one Church.

Are you safely inside the Church which Jesus Christ founded, or are you in a church founded by a mere human creature, be it a man or a woman?
You certainly had better check and make sure. Are you positive that Jesus Christ founded your Church? Holy Scripture, as you well know, says He founded ONE CHURCH , IN MATTHEW 16:18. HE DID NOT SAY CHURCHES.

If you are not in His Church, according to Scripture,
there is no salvation for you.

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