Doctors of the Catholic Church...
Doctor of the Church...
A title given to Saints who were outstanding ecclesiatical writers. There
are now 33 of them. Four are called
the traditional great doctors of the Church. These are shown with an '*'.
The list is in chronological order.
St. Athanasius....................297-373, Bishop of Alexandria.
St. Ephraem Syrus.............306-373, Biblical exegete. Called, 'Harp
of the Holy Spirit'.
St. Hilary of Poitiers...........315-368, Bishop, called Athanasius of
the West.
St. Cyril of Jerusalem.........315-387, Bishop, opponent of Arianism.
St. Basil the Great..............329-379, Father of Monasticism in the
St. Gregory of Nazianzus...330-390, called, 'The Theologian' in the Eastern
St. Ambrose......................340-397, Bishop of Milan. *
St. Jerome.........................343-420, the Father of Biblical Science.
St. John Chrysostom..........347-407, Bishop of Constantinople. He was
called 'Golden Mouthed'.
St. Augustine.....................354-430, Bishop of Hippo. *
St. Cyril of Alexandria........376-444, Patriarch, opponent of Nestorianism.
St. Peter Chrysologus.........400-450, Bishop of Ravenna,
Golden Worded.
St. Leo the Great................400-461, Pope, wrote against Nestorius.
St. Gregory I the Great.......540-604, Pope, wrote for Papal supremacy.
St. Isadore of Seville..........560-636, Archbishop, regarded as the most
learned of his time.
St. Bede the Venerable.......673-735, Benedictine priest, father of English
St. John Damascene...........675-749, Greek theologian, 'Golden speaker'.
St. Peter Damian..............1007-1072, Benedictine, ecclesiatical reform.
St. Anselm.......................1033-1109, Archbishop of Canterbury.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux...1090-1153, Cistercian, noted for his eloquence.
St. Anthony of Padua.......1195-1231, Franciscan Friar, evangelical Doctor.
St. Albert the Great..........1200-1280, Dominican, patron of natural scientists.
St. Bonaventure...............1217-1274, Franciscan theologian,
Seraphic Doctor.
St. Thomas Aquinas.........1225-1274, Dominican philosopher.
St. Catherine of Sienna.....1347-1380, Dominican, mystic, 2nd woman doctor.
St. Teresa of Avila............1515-1582, Carmelite nun, 1st woman doctor.
St. Peter Canisius.............1521-1597, Jesuit theologian, leader in
the counter reformation.
St. John of the Cross........1542-1591, Doctor of mystical theology.
St. Robert Bellarmine........1542-1621, Jesuit, defended doctrine during
the reformation.
St. Lawrence of Brindisi....1559-1619, vigorous preacher, influential in
counter reformation.
St. Francis de Sales..........1567-1622, Bishop, leader in counter reformation.
St. Alphonsus Liguori........1697-1787, founder of Redemptorists.
St. Therese of Lisieux........1873-1897, 'Little Flower', 3rd woman doctor.
(as of Oct 19, 1997)
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