St Dominic's Parish, Colfax, California...

58 E. Oak St., P.O. 752, Colfax, California 95713, (530)346-2286

Masses: Saturday at 5:00 pm and Sunday at 8:00 and 10:00 am.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 to 4:30 pm.
Weddings: Contact Pastor at least 90 days in advance.
Baptisms: By appointment.

Father William P. Kinane, Pastor                                                 
Kay Klobucar, Dre, 530-346-2915

Eddie Rauh Parish Coordinator                                   

Youth Group Ministry...  Jeanette Cochran, Director 

Eucharistic Adoration:  Every Wednesday Morning, 8:30 - 12:00.

Mary's Hour in Colfax: Every Friday evening at 7:00 pm, we meet in the Church for 15 decades of the Rosary, followed by the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Come and join us.


Our mission Statement:
Recognizing that we are the Body of Christ, the Catholic community of St. Dominic's is called by the Word of GOD, Jesus Christ, impelled by the Holy Spirit, nourished by the Holy Eucharist, rooted in our Catholic Faith and Tradition, to seek to be a Welcoming Community who nourishes Spiritual Growth, builds our lives on Gospel values, and reaches out to the poor and hurting.

Saint Dominic:

Saint Dominic and the Rosary...

History of St Dominic's Church in Colfax:


Inside St. Dominics Church:

The Crucifix Behind the Altar...
Some Beautiful Stained Glass...

Father Luke Zimmer, SS.CC.

In Memoriam...

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