The Whole Box Of Pieces
To The Puzzle...

And Only The Catholic Church Has It...

What puzzle?

Well, for a start...
The picture puzzle of the story of the Bible. You cannot sit down and read the Bible as you would a novel. You would not understand it. Think of the Bible as a giant jigsaw puzzle with thousands of interlocking pieces. Each piece is somewhere in the box but not necessarily touching the next piece to fit with it. You have to assemble the puzzle piece by piece by examining each piece to see where it fits. One piece fits nicely in Genesis while the piece next to it might be in Deuteronomy. Another fits in Isaiah, and its partner is in Matthew, and so on. It is a huge puzzle and it takes a long time to put it together. Some people never manage to complete it as they find pieces missing here and there. They never get to see the whole picture that GOD has planned for us.

How do some pieces of Scripture end up missing?

1. They get thrown away.
For instance some say, "I cannot find the piece about Purgatory in my Bible that says pray for the dead." It is because someone threw away the Bible book that described it, 2Maccabees.
Catholics have all those pieces since their Bible has always had all 73 of the inspired books.

2. They are ignored.
For instance, huge pieces of their puzzle are missing because they ignore such key pieces as, "So then, brethren, stand firm and hold the teachings that you have learned, whether by WORD or by letter of ours, 2Thess 2:15. Look at all of the hundreds of pieces of tradition which are ignored here. Catholics have all those pieces.

3. They are misinterpreted.
For example, in other Churches it is every man for himself in Bible interpretation. Baptists are not Methodists because of differences in Bible interpretation. Presbyterians are not Lutherans for the same reason, and so on. Why else are there 28,000 splits in the body of Christ in Protestantism?
Catholics have all of these pieces also, as they are united in only one interpretation of the Bible. This is given to us by the Pope in conjunction with the Magisterium, which consists of thousands of Bishops who have impeccable credentials, and all of which are guided by the Holy Spirit.

4. They are taken out of context.
For example, in other Churches they invariably take 2Tim 3:16-17 out of context to try and 'prove' the false doctrine of Sola Scriptura, or the Bible only is sufficient.
Catholics do not take the verses out of context and for this particular example, when taken in context, these verses mean just the opposite of what the other Churches teach.

What puzzle?

Why the puzzle of the Church which Jesus Christ founded. In order to find out which Church it is, it is a simple matter to make comparisons with many churches. What does Scripture say? Caution, make sure you have all of the pieces of Scripture beforehand.

How do some pieces of the Church end up missing?

Scripture says Christ's Church will last even unto the consummation of the world,
Isa 59:21, Matt 16:18, Matt 28:20, John 14:16-17. The Catholic Church has been around for almost 2000 years and we can prove it. How old is your church? Can you trace it all the way back to Christ? Name another church which comes even close to a 2000 year age?

Scripture says Christ's Church is the Church which has the authority,
Matt 18:17-18, John 14:16-17, Eph 1:22-23, Eph 3:10,21, Eph 5:23-24, 1Tim 3:15. Who had the authority to decide which books were inspired, and which were not, in both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible? Can any other Church besides the Catholic Church claim authority?

Scripture says Christ's Church has Priests,
Matt 9:38, Tit 1:5, Heb 7 all, Heb 9:6. The Catholic Church has Priests. Does yours?

Scripture says Christ's Church has Deacons,
Phil 1:1, 1Tim 3:8-13. The Catholic Church has Deacons. Does yours?

Scripture says Christ's Church has Bishops,
Acts 20:28, Phil 1:1, 1Tim 3:1-7, Tit 1:5-9. The Catholic Church has Bishops. Does yours?

Scripture says Christ's Church has seven Sacraments. Does your church have all seven?

1. Baptism,
Matt 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16, John 3:1-5, Acts 8:26-39, Rom 6:3-4, Eph 4:4-7. The Catholic Church has Baptism, does yours?

2. Confirmation,
Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 8:14-20, Acts 19:1-7, Rom 1:16, 2Cor 1:21-22, Eph 1:13, Heb 6:2. The Catholic Church has Confirmation. Does your Church have the Sacrament of Confirmation?

3. Reconciliation,
Matt 1:21, Matt 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-27, Luke 5:17-26, Luke 7:36-50, Luke 13:1-6, Luke 22:19-20, John 8:3-11, John 20:19-23. The Catholic Church has the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Does yours?

4. Holy Eucharist,
Mal 1:11, Matt 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-27, Luke 22:19-20, John 6:all, 1Cor 11:17-27, Heb 7,8,9, 1John 4:15. The Catholic Church has the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Does yours?

5. Matrimony,
Gen 1:28, Gen 2:18-24, 1Cor 7:2-8, Eph 5:21-33. The Catholic Church has the Sacrament of Matrimony. Does your Church have the Sacrament of Matrimony?

6. Holy Orders,
Luke 5:1-11, John 1:35-39, John 15:15-16, John 20:19-23, Acts 6:3-6, Acts 13:3, 1Cor 11:19-27, 2Tim 1:6, Heb 5:1-5, 1Pet 2:5-11. The Catholic Church has the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Does your church have this Sacrament?

7. Anointing of the sick,
Mark 6:13, Mark 16:18, Acts 2:27-43, James 5:14-15. The Catholic has the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Does your Church have this Sacrament?

Scripture says Christ's Church is the Foundation and the Pillar of Truth,
1Tim 3:15. There can be only one truth and the Catholic Church alone fulfills all of the above. Those in other churches claim the Bible is the Pillar of truth

Scripture says Christ's Church is guided by the Holy Spirit,
John 14:16-17, John 16:13-16, Acts 2:4. Since Christ's Church is truth because He Himself is Truth (John 14:6), then it is the Catholic Church which is guided by the Holy Spirit. Is your church, which teaches different 'truths', guided by the Holy Spirit?

Scripture says Christ's Church is One,
John 10:16, John 17:20-21. The Catholic Church is One, One Fold. Is your church One?

Scripture says Christ's Church is Holy,
Matt 5:48, John 17:17-19. The Catholic Church is Holy. Is your church holy?

Scripture says Christ's Church is Catholic (Universal),
Matt 28:19-20, Mark 16:16. The Catholic Church is Universal. Is your church universal?

Scripture says Christ's Church is Apostolic,
Deut 32:7, Matt 28:20, Acts 20:28-32, 2Tim 3:14. The Catholic Church is Apostolic. Is your church apostolic? Can you trace your leadership all the way back to Christ? We can. See 'The Unbroken Line' elsewhere on this website.

Scripture says Christ's Church has Saints,
1Sam 2:9, Psa 37:28, Psa 97:10, Dan 7:18-22, Dan 8:13, Matt 22:32, Rom 8:27, Eph 4:12, Phil4:21-22, Col 1:12, Jude 1:3, Jude 1:14, Rev 11:18, Rev 14:12-13, Rev 18:24. The Catholic Church has Saints. Does your Church have Saints?

Some of the thousands of Saints which the Catholic Church honors. This is just a small sampling:

St. Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of GOD.
St. Joseph
St. Anne
St. Joachim
St. John the Baptist
St. Peter
St. Paul
St. Thomas
St. Philip
St. Matthew
St. Luke
St. Mark
St. John, the Evangelist
St. Bartholomew
St. James, the Greater
St. James, the Less
St. Simon
St. Jude
St. Andrew
St. Matthias
St. Stephen
St. Dismas
St. Longinus
St. Mary Magdalene
St. Linus

St. Clement
St. Polycarp
St. Irenaeus
St. Ignatius of Antioch
St. Jerome
St. Nilus
St. Augustine
St. Bede
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Rita of Cascia
St. Malachy
St. Francis Xavier
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Becket
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Dominic
St. Catherine of Sienna
St. Ignatius Loyola
St. Teresa of Avila
St. Thomas More
St. Joseph of Cupertino
St. Louis de Montfort
St. Catherine Laboure
St. Rose of Lima
St. Don Bosco
St. Bernadette
St. Theresa, the Little Flower
St. Maria Goretti

For many more, see "Patron Saints" elsewhere on this website. Also there are many more in some of the following categories...

In addition to what Scripture says, Christ's Church has:

Cathedrals, Basilicas, and Churches.

St Peters, in the Vatican in Italy is the largest Church in the world.
The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in Washington D.C. is the largest Church in the United States.
The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico.

There are thousands more all over the world.

Catholic Cemeteries.

Parochial Schools, Colleges, and Universities.

Monasteries, Abbeys, Convents.
Brothers, Nuns, Monks.

Orphanages, Homes for the Aged. Soup Kitchens.

Religious Shrines.
Hundreds all over the world.

Religious Orders.
See 'What do those Letters mean', elsewhere on this website, for scores of them.

Catholic Hospitals.

The Knights of Columbus, Ladies Guild.

Mass Media.
Radio, Am/Fm, short wave, television, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, internet.
Extensive Archives.
Records going back to the very beginning of Christianity. All are available for scholars and for research and for public viewing.

The Relics of the True Cross of the Crucifixion.
They can be seen in the Vatican

The Relics of the 3 Nails used in the Crucifixion.
These can be seen in the Vatican.

The Crown of Thorns which was pressed on the Head of Jesus.
The Crown is in the Vatican. The thorns are in various Churches in Europe.

The Spear which pierced the Side of Jesus.
This is on display in the Vatican.

The Chains which bound St. Peter in the Prison.
These are on display in the Vatican.

The Relics (Bones) of St. Peter.
They are in an authenticated crypt under the main altar of St. Peters Basilica in the Vatican.

The Relics (Bones) of St. Paul.
These are in the Church of St. Paul in Rome.

The Church Fathers. All are Catholic.

Some of the most prominent ones are:

Latin Fathers, Western...
St. Irenaeus of Lyons (d 202), Bishop.
St. Cyprian (d 258), Bishop.
St. Damasus I (d 384), Pope.
St. Ambrose of Milan (d 397), Bishop of Milan.
St. Jerome (d 420), priest.
St. Augustine (b 354-d 430), Bishop of Hippo.
St. Peter Chrysologus (d 450), Archbishop of Ravenna.
St. Leo the Great (d 461), Pope.
St. Fulgentius (d 533), Bishop of Ruspe.
St. Benedict (d 546), father of Western monasticism.
St. Gregory the Great (d 604), Pope.
St. Isadore (d 636), Archbishop of Seville.
St. Bede the Venerable (d 735), Doctor, last Father of Western Church.

Greek Fathers, Eastern... * means an 'Apostolic Father'.
*St. Clement of Rome (d 97), Pope.
*St. Ignatius of Antioch (d 107), Bishop of Antioch.
*St. Polycarp (d 155), Bishop of Smyrna. St. Justin Martyr (d 165), apologist.
 St. Clement of Alexandria (d 215), theologian.
 St. Hippolytus (d 236), martyr.  
 Eusebius (d 340), Bishop of Caesarea.
 St. Julius I (d 352), Pope.
 St. Athanasius (b 295-d 373), Archbishop of Alexandria.
 St. Basil the Great (d 379), Archbishop of Caesarea.
 St. Gregory of Nazianzus (d 390), Bishop of Sasima
 St. Gregory of Nyssa, Basil's brother (d 395)
 St. John Chrysostom (d 407), Patriarch of Constantinople.
 St. Nilus (d 430), priest and monk.
 St. John Damascene (d 749), last Father of the Eastern Church.

The Holy Shroud of Turin.
It is in the Cathedral in Turin Italy.

The Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
It is on display at the Basilica in Mexico City.

Our Lady of Pilar Miraculous image of Our Lady.
It is on display in Zaragoza Spain

Miracles, 1Corinthians 12:28

The Miracle of Guadalupe, Mexico, 1531.
The Miracle of the Miraculous Medal, Paris France, 1830.
The Miracle of Lourdes, France, 1858.
The Miracle of Fatima, Portugal, 1917.
EWTN, the Eternal Word Television Network, started by Mother Angelica in the early 1980's with only $200.00. It is now around the world in every country via satellite TV, shortwave radio, am/fm radio, cable TV, and the Internet.

Eucharistic Miracles.
The Holy Eucharist has at times exhibited Miraculous qualities. It has turned into flesh, real human flesh. It has exuded real human blood. I myself have seen a Eucharistic Miracle in which a Holy Eucharist exuded an oil. It was creation right before my eyes. The oil was tested by an independent lab and found to be a pure olive oil of a type of olive not found on earth.

Some Eucharist Miracles which can be seen today. The date of the Miracle is given and the location in which it can be seen today. These are just a few samples out of scores.

Human Heart tissue, 700, Lanciano Italy.
Bleeding Host and Blood Stains, 1239, Daroca Spain.
Liquid Blood in a Vial, 1240, Santarem Portugal
Blood Stains forming many Faces of Christ, 1330, Walldurn Germany
Blood Stained Host, 1998, Rome Italy.

Here is a beautiful picture of a recent Eucharistic Miracle.

Healings, 1Cor 12:28.

Sixty Six documented, independently observed healings from the waters of Lourdes.
Mother Angelica, Jan 28, 1998, healed of 40 years of pain in five minutes while praying the rosary.
There are hundreds of well documented miraculous healings from all around the world.
Speaking in various tongues, 1Cor 12:28.
The Charismatic movement in the Catholic Church.

The Uncorrupted Bodies of Many Saints and Venerables, their date of death and where they can be seen. All are Catholic. There are many more than are listed here.

St. Isadore the Farmer, D 1172, Madrid Spain.
St. Rose of Viterbo, D 1252, Viterbo Italy.
St. Sperandia, D 1276, Cingoli Italy.
St. Zita, D 1278, Lucca Italy.
St. Margaret of Cortona, D 1297, Cortona Italy.
St. Clare of Montefalco, D 1308, Montefalco Italy.
Bl. Margaret of Costello, D 1320, Citta-di-Castello Italy.
Bl. Imelda Lambertini, D 1333, Bologna Italy.
St. Bernardine of Siena, D 1444, L'Aquila Italy.
St. Rita of Cascia, D 1457, Cascia Italy.
St. Catherine of Bologna, D 1463, Bologna Italy.
Bl. Osanna of Mantua, D 1505, Mantua Italy.
St. Catherine of Genoa, D 1510, Genoa Italy.
St. Angela Merici, D 1540, Brescia Italy.
St. Francis Xavier, D 1552, Goa India.
St. Andrew Bobola, D1657, Warsaw Poland.
St. Lucy Filippini, D 1732, Monterfiascone, Italy.
St. Teresa Margaret, D 1770, Florence Italy.
St. Jean Vianney, Cure of Ars, D 1859, Ars France.
St. Catherine Laboure. D 1876, Rue du Bac Paris France.
St. Bernadette of Lourdes. D 1879, Nevers, France. See a picture of Saint Bernadette
as she looks today. She is beautiful after being deceased for over 120 years..

Only in the Catholic Church will you have ALL of the preceding in this file. Only in the Catholic Church will you have ALL of the pieces of the puzzle. Only in the Catholic Church will you be able to see the entire and most beautiful picture which GOD has presented to us in His plan of Salvation. Only in the Catholic Church will you have ALL of the fullness of Truth. Does it make any sense to accept anything less than ALL of what GOD is offering to us? Why should anyone want to choose anything less?

Written by Bob Stanley, February 13, 1999
Updated May 15, 2000

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