The Historical
"Black Hole"...
The word "History", is in reality, "His-Story"!
Has "His-Story" ended?
"His-story" about the growth of His Church did end after the last verse in the
book of Acts was written and it did not begin again until 1521 when the
revolt started!
That is what we are told to believe
by some non-Catholics, but NOT by GOD.
Others try to tell us that
His-story ended when the Book of Revelation was finished. However, there
were one or two documents written over that 1400+ year period until 1521, and
they believe, "If I can use (twist) them to my advantage, I'll do so", say some
anti-Catholics. "If I cannot use them, then they simply do not exist", the same
anti-Catholics say.
Did "His-Story" really end with the completion of the
last book of the Bible, or do the events of "His-Story" march on and accumulate
unbroken and unfettered throughout all time?
Well what does Holy
Scripture say about the "end of His-Story"?
when he, the Spirit of Truth, has come, he will (future tense) teach you all the truth.
For he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he will hear he will
John 16:13
Holy Scripture clearly says that His-Story
will continue into the future.
How far into the future? Let us examine
another verse.
"Go, therefore, and make disciples
of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit, teaching them all that I have commanded you; and behold,
Matthew 28:19-20
Verse 20 means, "He will be with us
every day in every century until the end of time with no gaps".
Does that
sound like a time limit has been imposed by GOD on "His-Story"?
No time limit
was imposed by GOD, but a time limit was imposed by man, according to some
anti-Catholics, since they have created a veritable "Black Hole" of "His-Story"
from the time the last book of the Bible was written about 95-100 A.D., until
1521, a period of over 1420 years.
If something is not in the Bible, then
I will simply reject it. That is the false thinking of some non-Catholics.
What does Holy Scripture say regarding "everything is in it"?
"Many other signs also Jesus
worked in the sight of his disciples,
John 20:30
"There are, however, many other things that Jesus did; but if
everyone of these should be written, not even the world itself, I think, could
hold the books that would have to be written."
John 21:25
Some questions for those who refuse to
believe anything, if they cannot find it in the Bible. Tell me then, how can you
find answers to these questions?
1. Show me in the Bible the list of inspired
books in it? If you cannot find such a list then how do you know the book you
call the Bible is the Bible?
2. Show me in the Bible where the word "Trinity"
is defined? If you cannot find the word in the Bible, then why do you believe in
the doctrine? From where did the word "Trinity" come?
3. Same question for
the word "Incarnate"?
4. Show me in the Bible where the Bible tells you that
all the books within it are inspired?
5. Show me in the Bible where Jesus
said what Luke said He said in this verse?
"...and REMEMBER the WORD of the
Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'."
Acts 20:35
6. Show me in
Scripture the reference of Matthew 2:23 that "he shall be called a
7. Show me in Scripture the reference of Matthew 5:43 that "you
shall hate your enemy"?
8. Show me in Scripture the reference of 2Timothy
3:8 that "Jamnes and Mambres resisted Moses"? 9.
Tell me, where did your Bible come from? Documents please?
10. Since you
believe all Scripture is inspired, then show me where the Bible excludes the
Gospel of Peter and the Gospel of Thomas? Cant find it? Then why are these books
not in your Bible?
11. Show me the verses which say the Bible claims to be
the sole authority for Christians in matters of faith and morals?
As you can clearly see, the Bible is far from complete. Some very
important questions simply cannot be answered with Scripture alone. Some of
these are examples of Apostolic Tradition, for which we are commanded to keep by
WORD or by letter in 2Thessalonians 2:15. Apostolic tradition is quite removed
from man-made tradition.
Now, where would you go to find the answers
to the questions I have just put forth?
Will you just simply ignore the
questions and prefer to have no answers?
Or do you honestly want to seek the
What have we learned from Holy Scripture so far?
1. That
Scripture says "His-Story" will continue until the end of time, and with no gaps
2. That Scripture says that learning will continue until we have
been taught all things.
3. That Scripture says, and shows us that everything
is NOT within its pages.
What then, is this "Historical Black Hole"?
It is the 1420 plus years of
"His-Story" from the time of the finishing of the Book of Revelation, until
Martin Luther came along and started the Protestant Reformation. These 1420
years are filled with genuine historical documents that are suppressed by the
leaders of most of the 33,800* non-Catholic ecclesial communities.
*World Christian Encyclopedia, April
2001, a Protestant publication.
What do these leaders of the 33,800
ecclesial communities tell, or refrain from telling their flocks?
1. They
do not teach their subjects that genuine historical documents for this time
period even exist.
2. There are literally thousands of historical documents
written by hundreds down through the ages.
3. The documents are available for
all to see, "But there is nothing concealed that will
not be disclosed, and nothing hidden that will not be made
known." Luke 12:2
4. If any of their subjects find
that these documents do exist, they are told not to read them.
5. They are
told that they will become corrupted if they do read them. Their subjects are
purposely kept in "Spiritual Darkness".
6. The truth is, however, that
whoever reads these documents will find the real truth for themselves and
not what someone else just tells them is the truth.
7. We are all obligated
to search for the truth (1Timothy 2:4). Since truth is a person (John 14:6), if
you have not searched for the truth, then you have not found the truth, and thus
you have not found the person who is GOD.
You cannot find the fullness of
truth by ignoring 1420 years of His-Story.
they have not received the love of truth that they might be saved. Therefore GOD
sends them a misleading influence that they may believe falsehood, that all may
be judged who have not believed the truth, but have preferred
2Thessalonians 2:10-12
Who, or
what, is this misleading influence? Holy Scripture gives us the answer to this
"For the WRATH of GOD is revealed
from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness
Some of the various authors of genuine historical documents are:
(Flavius Josephus 37-101 A.D.) was a Jew and a Jewish historian. He wrote many
books about Jewish history from their very beginnings until the destruction of
Jerusalem in 70 A.D.. His writings are valued by scholars, as some of what he
wrote is the only source for several of the historical events. He also dated the
events which very few writers in the early times did. In his book XVIII, chapter
3, he wrote of Jesus Christ:
"About this time lived Jesus, a man full of
wisdom, if indeed one may call Him a man. For He was the doer of incredible
things, and the teacher of such as gladly received the truth. He thus attracted
to Himself many Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was the Christ. On the
accusation of the leading men of our people, Pilate condemned Him to death upon
the cross; nevertheless those who had previously loved Him still remained
faithful to Him. For on the third day He again appeared to them living, just as,
in addition to a thousand other marvelous things, prophets sent by God had
foretold. And to the present day the race of those who call themselves
Christians after Him has not ceased."
Evodius was the first Bishop of Antioch, and he is credited with being the first
person to call the followers of Christ, "Christians", as shown in Acts 11:26.
See Eusebius, book 3, chapter 22.
Saint Ignatius (35-107), the second Bishop
of Antioch wrote a letter to the Smyrneans in 107 A.D..
this letter is recorded the first known use of the words "Catholic Church"...
"You must all follow the lead of the bishop, as Jesus Christ followed that
of the Father; follow the presbytery as you would the Apostles; reverence the
deacons as you would God's commandment. Let no one do anything touching the
Church, apart from the bishop. Let that celebration of the Eucharist be
considered valid which is held under the bishop or anyone to whom he has
committed it. Where the bishop appears, there let the
people be, just as where Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic
Church. It is not permitted without authorization
from the bishop either to baptize or to hold an agape; but whatever he approves
is also pleasing to God. Thus everything you do will be proof against danger and
Some non-Catholics teach that the Catholic Church did not even
come into existence until the Emperor of Rome, Constantine, issued the
"Edict of Milan"* in
313 A.D..
How then,
can they explain this letter of Saint Ignatius written over 200 years earlier?
Here is an additional sampling of titles of writings** where the Catholic Church is
mentioned by name, and with all of them penned before 313 A.D.:
Martyrdom of
St. Polycarp 16:2. J77,79,80a,81a, 155 A.D.
Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis 7:17:107:3. J435, 202
Letter to Florentius 66:69:8. J587, 254 A.D.
Lactantius, Divine Institutions 4:30:1. J637, 304
*The "Edict of Milan", available on the Internet for all
to see, did not "start" the Catholic Church, but merely allowed the open
existence of Christianity. It allowed Christianity to continue without fear of
Roman persecution. Prior to this event, Christians were persecuted mercilessly
by both the Romans and the Jews, and they had to practice the faith underground,
and in secret.
Read the "Edict
of Milan" for yourself and you will see the truth of what I said.
**The "J" numbers refer to Jurgens book
set, "The Faith of the Early Fathers".
All of the writings listed above are
available on the Internet for free.
Saint Justin the martyr (105-165), is recognized as the "First Christian
He wrote extensively in the defense of the early Church.
Irenaeus (140-202), wrote a monumental volume entitled
"Against Heresies" which scholars use to this day. Yes, there were heretics then
also, and right from the very beginning of Christianity.
Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea (263-339), is called, "The Father of Church
History", and wrote 10 volumes of the history of the Catholic Church. His
His-Storical writings span the time period from before the birth of Jesus Christ
until about 330 A.D.. He quoted some of the writings of Josephus.
Saint Athanasius (295-373), Bishop of Alexandria. Read about how he championed the Church against the heresy of Arianism. In his Festal Letter #39, which
he wrote in 367, is a list of the New Testament Canon, which just a few years
later was accepted by the Church.
Saint Jerome (341-420), was the person who gave the world the first Bible with
both Old and New Testaments, the "Latin Vulgate" in 404. The Vulgate is the
official Bible of the Catholic Church to this day. Saint Jerome, as a great
defender of the Catholic
Church has many other
outstanding writings to his credit.
Saint Augustine (354-430), one of the greatest writers in defense of the Catholic
Church of all time. He wrote hundreds of documents and
mentioned the Catholic Church by name over 300 times.
His "Confessions" is
considered to be one of the most outstanding works ever written.
Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), was one of the greatest Christian thinkers of
all time. His monumental "Summa Theologica" embraces practically every facet of
Christianity. In it he presents the objections to Christian doctrine and then
gives the supporting arguments. His "Summa" is widely used by serious scholars
and is considered to be one of the greatest writings of all time.
This is only a small sampling of the plethora of genuine historical documents
written by early Christians, and these writings are available for everyone to
A comprehensive list of genuine historical documents with many
different writers and covering many subjects, can be seen here. There are
URL's posted in that file, that will allow you to find these writings and see
for yourself the wealth of genuine historical documents that are just a click
There are also voluminous writings of Christianity by Roman, Greek, Jewish and
other authors of the time, such as Pliny, Tacitus, and the Jewish Talmud.
How can anyone who is serious about their salvation afford to ignore these
treasures from the past?
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free."
John 8:32
Half of the Truth is no truth at all.
How then, can you get the full truth if
you ignore 1420 plus years of genuine historical documents?
Cardinal John
Newman, a convert from Anglicanism said it best in regards to historical
"To be deep in history is to cease to
be Protestant."
That is the real reason why
non-Catholic ministers and elders tell their flocks to ignore the "Black Hole"
of "His-Story". You see, there is absolutely nothing written about the 33,800
ecclesial communities during this 1420 year period, as none of them existed
then, but there are plentiful writings of Christianity and of the Church which
Jesus Christ founded. "His-Story" flowed from century to century with no "gaps"
whatsoever. The only "Historical Black Holes" which exist, are those in the
minds of some who choose to ignore 1420 plus years of historical writings, and,
as mentioned earlier from Romans 1:18, "...who in
wickedness hold back the truth of GOD."
Do you
ignore the history of your country? No? Then why do you ignore the history of
Christianity? Christian history is of much greater value for you, as it will
gratuitously profit you in your quest for eternal salvation.
"What is it that has been? The same thing that shall
be. What is it that has been done? The same thing that shall be done. Nothing
under the sun is new, neither is any man able to say: Behold this is new; for it
has already gone before in the ages that were before us. There is no remembrance
of former things; nor indeed of those things which hereafter are to come, shall
there be any remembrance with them that shall be in the latter end."
Ecclesiastes 1:10-11
So why would anyone want to
ignore the former things? We can profit enormously from what has been
accomplished by milenniums of ancestral writings by thousands of others who went
before us. One of the worlds great scientists was asked how he was able to
accomplish so much in his lifetime.
He replied, "It was because I stood upon the shoulders of giants".
Could he still have soared as he had done, by ignoring the
scientific giants that lived before him?
Wouldn't the same logic also apply
to us regarding the theological giants who lived before our
Those who ignore history fail to profit
from its good deeds, and are doomed to repeat its mistakes.
No one should allow themselves to be dragged into
the "Black Hole" of
spiritual darkness.
"If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in
darkness, we lie, and are
not practicing the truth. But if we walk in the light as He also is the light,
we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son,
cleanses us from all sin."
"Because you have rejected knowledge, I
will reject you,
that you shall not do the office of priesthood to
Hosea 4:6
Written by Bob Stanley, May 7, 2001
Updated March 14, 2003
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