Holy Scripture is inspired by GOD and therefore
is to be believed when discerned in the proper sense, and in context. Nothing
can be added, and nothing can be removed. When Jesus
Christ said something, it is true because He said it. Here are a few verses
that fundamentalists ignore, or take out of context, or mis-interpret by
reading something into it that simply is not there.
For all fundamentalists:
Matt 7:21, "Not everyone who says to
Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the
will of My Father in Heaven shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven." For
those who believe in Sola Gratia, take heed.
Matt 16:18, "And I say to thee, thou art Peter, and upon this
rock I will build My Church." This is clearly, GOD giving primacy
to Simon by changing his name to Peter. It falls under the 'Law of First
Mention'. Why do they say Peter did not have primacy?
Matt 16:19, Jesus addressing Peter ALONE said, "And I will give YOU
the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven..." Some fundamentalists say ALL
the Apostles received the 'keys' in Matt 18:18, when Jesus gave all
the Apostles the power of 'binding' and 'loosening'. It does not say
that in any of my Bibles, does it say that in yours? This is
a classic example of reading something into Holy Scripture that
simply is not there.
Matt 18:17, "Appeal to the Church, but if he refuse to hear even the
Church, let him be to you as a heathen." Here Jesus Christ said HIS
CHURCH has authority, but fundamentalists ignore it.
Matt 26:26, "This IS My Body." Where did Jesus say it is only
a 'symbol' or 'representation' of His Body?
Matt 28:20, "I am with you ALL days until the end of the world."
How can anyone say the Church which Jesus Christ founded apostatized? They
are saying Jesus Christ is not with His Church, and so are calling Him
a liar.
Mark 14:24, "This IS My Body." Where did Jesus say this is 'figurative'?
Luke 1:48, "All generations SHALL call me Blessed."
Tell me why they call the Mother of GOD, Mary, and not Blessed Mary?
Luke 22:19, "This IS My Body." Where did Jesus say this is a
John 6:52, "...The bread that I will give IS MY Flesh..." Show
me where Jesus said it is only the 'symbolism' of His flesh.
John 6:54, "...Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink
His blood,
you shall not have life in you. Show me where Jesus said this is figurative.
John 6:55, "He who eats my flesh and drinks My blood has life everlasting..."
Show me where Jesus said a 'representation of His flesh and blood.
John 6:57, "He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood, abides in Me
and I in him." Where did Jesus say this is figurative?
John 14:16-17, "...He will give you another Advocate to dwell with
you FOREVER, the Spirit of Truth whom the WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE, BECAUSE
IT NEITHER SEES HIM NOR KNOWS HIM." Here Jesus said the Holy Spirit
will be with His Church, and no other, forever. How can each of the 28,000
protestant sects claim they have the Holy Spirit dwelling with them, when
they cannot even agree on what the truth is?
John 20:30, 21:25, "There are many other things Jesus did which are
not written in this book." Sola Scriptura believers ignore this one.
Act 15:7, " GOD made choice among us, that through MY mouth the Gentiles
should hear the word of the Gospel and believe." Peter said right
here that GOD Himself gave him primacy. Why do they say he did not have
1Cor 10:32, "Do not be a stumbling block to the Church of GOD."
This as we all know is the Catholic Church. Name another church traceable
to Mt 16:18.
1Cor 11:24, St. Paul recounts, "This is My Body..." Where is
the 'symbolism'?
1Cor 11:29, "For he who eats and drinks unworthily without distinguishing
the body, eats and drinks judgment to himself." Again, Paul is talking
about the True Presence of the Body of Christ in the Eucharist. Where did
he say it was only a symbol?
1Cor 15:9, "...I am not worthy to be called an Apostle, because I
persecuted the Church of GOD." Catholic bashers ignore this one.
Gal 5:15, "If you bite and devour one another, take heed or you will
be consumed by one another." Those who enjoy bashing the Catholic
Church close their eyes to this one.
2Thess 2:15, "...stand firm and hold the TEACHINGS that you have LEARNED,
WHETHER BY WORD OR BY LETTER OF OURS." St.Paul clearly said to keep
the traditions. Why do some reject this verse by believing in the
false doctrine of Sola Scriptura?
James 2:20-26, "Faith without works is useless." Many say works
are not needed, even though Holy Scripture says that it is.
For Sabbath Keepers: There is
not one verse in the New Testament that says to keep the Sabbath, but there
are many which say, the old Jewish covenant, of which the Sabbath is a
part, has been fulfilled, and has been superceded by the New Law, the Law
of Christ, the New Covenant.
There are many verses where Jesus Christ breaks
the Sabbath Himself and berates Jews who criticize Him for doing it...all
ignored by Sabbatarians:
Matt 12:1-12, Mark 2:23-28, Luke 6:1-11, Luke 13:10-16, Luke 14:1-5,
John 5:9-18 - in verse 18, the Jews even say Jesus broke the Sabbath.
Also see John 7:21-24, John 9:13-17. None of these many verses show any
support whatsoever for the Sabbath. Instead they prefigure its demise.
Acts 20:7, "Now on the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, WHEN
WE HAD MET FOR THE BREAKING OF BREAD..." Clearly this shows that Sunday
was designated as the day of worship for Christians. This verse says, 'On
Sunday we had met for Mass'. Sabbatarians deny it.
Heb 7:12, "For when the priesthood is changed,
it is neccessary that a change of law be made also." They cling to
the Old Covenant when clearly a new one has been instigated.
Heb 8:6, "But now He has obtained a superior ministry, in proportion
SUPERIOR PROMISES." The Old Covenant has been replaced, and with it,
the Sabbath.
Heb 8:13, "Now in saying a new covenant, HE HAS MADE OBSOLETE THE
Pretty clear, the O.C. is ended.
Heb 10:9, "I come to do your will, O GOD, HE ANNULS THE FIRST COVENANT
IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH THE SECOND." Sabbath being part of the Old Covenant
has seen its demise.
Col 2:16, "Let NO ONE, then, call you to account for what you
eat or drink or in regard to a festival, or a new moon, or a SABBATH."
A clear verse that does away with the Sabbath.
For Mormons:
Matt 16:18, and Mt 28:20,
"...and the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it." "
I will be with you ALL days, until the end of time." Mormons teach
that the Church which Jesus Christ founded, ceased to exist until Joseph
Smith came along in 1830. This teaching is NOT what these two verses, spoken
by Jesus Christ Himself, say.
Acts 4:10-12, "...for there is no other name under heaven given to
men by which we must be saved." Mormons ignore this verse and others
like it by teaching that Joseph Smith must be believed, or there is no
Gal 1:8, "If anyone preach
a Gospel to you other than that which we have preached to you, LET HIM BE ANATHEMA."
This verse is so important that it is repeated in the very next verse 9.
Yet Mormons have 'another gospel', the Book of Mormon.
For Jehovah Witnesses:
Isa 44:6, and many others
like it, "I am the first, and I am the last, and BESIDES ME THERE
IS NO GOD." Yet in John 1:1, in their very own bible, it says, "...and
the Word was 'a' god. You can't have it both ways. Is there one GOD or
multiple gods?
Written by Bob Stanley, December 22, 1997
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