Jehovah's Witnesses and their translation of the Bible, called 'The New World Translation:
What tremendous damage one little letter, the letter 'a', can do...
NWT John 1:1, "In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was 'A' god (note no capital 'g' for GOD).
By adding that one little letter, they changed the entire meaning of the Bible. Now Jesus Christ is no longer GOD, but a little guy below the great God Jehovah.
The Watchtower Society teaches
that Jesus did not rise from the dead, but was 'etherized' by Jehovah.
That is why His body was never found.
The entire Bible is harmonious from beginning to end. In order to change
one part of it as they did, they had to change many other parts to try
and make theirs 'appear' harmonious also.
However with all the changes the Watchtower Society has made to the Word
of GOD, they have created many inconsistencies.
I will not attempt to list them all in this short file, but I will point
out a glaring one that they missed.
John 2:19-21, In answer Jesus
said to them: "Break down this temple, and in three days 'I'
will raise it up." Therefore the Jews
said: "This temple was built in forty-six years, and will you raise
it up in three days?" But He was talking about the 'temple
of His body'.
So, Jesus said He would raise His body Himself,
in three days, ...hmmm.
By the way, when they come to your front door, ask them what Bible they used before 1950 when the NWT was first published. If they say the King James, then ask why the NWT does not agree with the KJ. If the KJ was used, then ask how could they have used it from 1870 until 1950 since that little letter 'A' was not in the KJ..
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