The Papal Apology...

What the Pope said and what he did NOT say...

On March 12, 2000 our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, made a sincere apology to GOD for sins of the past. He apologized for the sins of individual persons, who in the past, overstepped their authority and did things contrary to the will of GOD and the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Some detractors have twisted his words to make it look like he apologized for the sins of the Church. This is far from being the truth. The Catholic Church is indefectible, and has to be, as it has an indefectible founder in Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 5:27, " order that He might present to Himself the Church in all her glory, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she might be holy and without blemish."

However, the Catholic Church is not a hotel for saints, but a hospital for sinners, as are all churches. Individual members are the ones for whom the Holy Father apologized, not the Church.

Did you know there was a Pope who sinned grievously? He even denied Christianity three times. Later, this same Pope went on to write infallible letters which we read and follow to this day.
His name is....


If you wish, you may go to this
EWTN page and read the full text of
"The Holy Father's Prayer for Forgiveness."

Written by Bob Stanley, April 28, 2000

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