Prophecies That Might Have Been Fulfilled in Our Time...

Prophecies that might have been fulfilled during this 20th century:

"Son of Man, thou dwellest in the midst of a provoking house, who have eyes to see and see not; and ears to hear, and hear not, for they are a provoking house." Ez 12:2.

 "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Matt 11:15

* The Jews Return To Israel...

"O mountains of Israel, shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to My people of Israel, for they are at hand to come," Ez 36:8. "For I will take you from among the Gentiles and will gather you together out of all the countries, and will bring you into your own land," Ez 36:24. "...O My people, and will bring you into the land of Israel," Ez 37:12. "At the end of years, you shall come to the land that is returned from the sword, and is gathered out of many nations, to the mountains of Israel which have been continually waste. But it has been brought forth out of the nations, and they shall all of them dwell securely in it," Ez 38:8.
Ezekiel goes on to say that Israel's enemies will be destroyed. After World War II, the Jews started returning to Israel from many countries, and they continue to do so today. On May 14, 1948, Israel was formally recognized as a soverign state. Look also at what happened to the enemies of Israel everytime their was a war with one, or all, of her Arab neighbors. Next, it looks like the Jews have to start rebuilding the temple. Ezekiel 36 to 44 has much to say about Israel in the 'End Times'.

* Wormwood - Chernobyl...

"And the third angel sounded the trumpet, and there fell from Heaven a great star, burning like a torch, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. The name of the star is called 'Wormwood'. And the third part of the waters became Wormwood; and many people died of the waters because they were made bitter." Rev 8:10-11.
Wormwood, translates to 'Chernobyl' in the Ukrainian language. On April 26, 1986, a nuclear disaster occurred in a power plant at 'Chernobyl', in Ukraine. A radioactive cloud of nuclear contamination spread over much of Europe and poisoned the waters. Many people and animals perished as a result.
On April 22, 1996, a fire 17 miles away from Chernobyl, stirred up radioactive debris and sent it into the atmosphere. On April 24, 1996 it was announced that 5000, who worked to entomb the reactor with concrete in 1986, have died.
It has been said that the prophecy does say a star fell, so it would have no bearing on what happened at Chernobyl. We have to realize that a star is only a star by reason of nuclear energy:
Jer 9:15, 23:15, Rev 8:10-11.

* The Euphrates River...

"and the sixth (angel) poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates, and dried up its waters, that a way might be made ready for the 'kings from the rising sun'," Rev 16:12.
On January 13, 1990, Turkey announced it was stopping the flow of the Euphrates for one month, in order to work on a new dam they were building across it. Now they have completed the dam and can stop the flow anytime they want. The 'kings from the rising sun' could cross the dry Euphrates with their 200 million man army as stated in Rev 9:14-16. This army could come from China, as Mao Tse Tung said in his diary, that he could raise a 200 million man army.

* The World Numbering System...

Where you will not be able to buy or sell without your number, Rev 13:15-18.
All of us in the USA have to have a social security number, even little children. Soon we will not be able to buy or sell without it.
Also the 'Mark of the Beast' (666) mentioned in Rev 13:16-18, and Rev 14:9-11, could have been fulfilled in 1986. A computer completed in Brussels Belgium in that year is capable of storing the identity of every person on earth, and it can put a mark on the back of the hand or forehead, as in Rev 13:16. The computer is so large that it has been given the name, 'The Beast'.

* The New World Order...

"The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be greater than all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth...Dan 7:23." "...and it was allowed to wage war with the saints and overcome them. And there was given to it authority over every tribe and people and tongue, and nation", Rev 13:7.
The U.N. was formed in 1945 in the city of Saint Francis. Gorbachev first mentioned the term 'New World Order'. George Bush said in 1991 of the Gulf War, "This will be the first test of the New World Order", as he referred to the U.N. 'Coalition', the world against Saddam Hussein.

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