Satan Does Exist, Whether You Choose To Believe It Or Not...

And He Is Patiently Waiting To Grab Us All...

Believe it or not, some churches really do teach that satan does not exist. I personally, have had contact with one that teaches this cruelest of all lies. This teaching is right up his alley as he would like us all to think he does not exist. Just think how much easier his job becomes if he can get people to believe it. I cannot imagine how anyone can ignore the fact that such evil does exist.

In order for anyone to teach this blatant heresy, they have to deny many Bible verses, thus by doing so, they call GOD a liar. Here are just a few examples...

But He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall as lightning from heaven." Luke 10:18

Now Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit about the desert for forty days, being tempted the while by the devil. Luke 4:1-2

And the Lord said, "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat." Luke 22:31

But Satan entered into Judas, surnamed Iscariot, one of the twelve. Luke 22:3

But Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan tempted thy heart, that thou should lie to the Holy Spirit and by fraud keep back part of the price of the land?" Acts 5:3

Satan is mentioned by that name about 50 times in Holy Scripture, but yet, he has many more names also...

Satan, names of:
Abaddon (place of destruction)......Rev 9:11
Accuser........................................Rev 12:10
Adversary....................................1Pet 5:8
Ancient Serpent............................Rev 20:2
Angel of Light...............................2Cor 11:14
Angel of the Abyss.........................Rev 9:11
Angel of the Bottomless Pit............Rev 9:11
Angel(s) that Sinned......................2Pet 2:4
Apollyon (destroyer).....................Rev 9:11
Asmodeus.....................................Tob 3:8,17
Beelzebub.....................................Lk 11:15
Belial/Beliar.................................2Cor 6:15
Crafty One...................................Sir 11:29
Destroyer.....................................Wis 18:25, 1Cor 10:10
Devil...........................................Rev 12:12
Dragon........................................Rev 20:2
Evil Spirit from the Lord...............1Sam 16:14
Father of Lies..............................Jn 8:44
God of this World.........................2Cor 4:4
King............................................Rev 9:11
Lucifer........................................Isa 14:12, Rev 9:1-2
Lying Spirit.................................1King 22:22
Murderer....................................Jn 8:44
Power of Darkness.......................Lk 22:53, Col 1:13
Prince of Devils...........................Mt 12:24
Prince of the Power of the Air......Eph 2:2
Prince of the Spirit......................Eph 2:2
Prince of this World.....................Jn 12:31,14:30,16:11
Roaring Lion...............................1Pet 5:8
Ruler of Darkness.........................Eph 6:12
Satan...........................................Lk 10:18, Rev 12:9,20:2
Sinner..........................................1Jn 3:8
Star that fell from Heaven.............Rev 9:1
The Beast.....................................Rev 20:4
The Destroyer..............................1Cor 10:10
The Devil.....................................Rev 12:9,20:2
The Enemy...................................Mt 13:28
The Evil One................................1Jn 5:18
The Red Dragon...........................Rev 12:3,9
The Serpent..................................Gen 3:1, 2Cor 11:3, Rev 12:9
The Spirit of Error.......................1Jn 4:6
The Tempter.................................1Thes 3:5
The Wicked One............................Mt 13:19, 1Jn 2:13

Satan, the master imitator of Christ:
The greatest imitator of Jesus Christ is a spiritual being called Lucifer or Satan (Rev. 12:9).
Examine the evidence:

1. Jesus is the "King of Kings": Rev 19:16.
Satan is "king over all the children of pride": Job 41:25.

2. Jesus is the "Angel of the Lord": Gal 4:14.
Satan appears as an "Angel of Light": 2Cor 11:11-14.

3. "God is light," and in Him there is no darkness: 1Jn 1:5.
Satan appears as an "Angel of light": 2Cor 11:14.

4. Jesus is "God manifest in the flesh": 1Tim 3:16.
Satan is the "god" of this world: 2Cor 4:4.

5. Christ has a bride, who is a city: Rev 21:9.
Satan has a bride, who is a city: Rev 17:1-9.

6. Jesus cites the scripture in conflict: Lk 4:1-8.
Satan cites the scripture in conflict: Lk 4:10.

7. Christ preached 42 months: 3 passovers-Lk 3:23, Jn 2:13,5:1,6:4,12:1.
The Beast preached 42 months: Rev 13:5.

8. Christ means Anointed, Christos, Messiah: Act 4:26, Psa 2:2.
Satan is "anointed" as a "christ": Mt 24:5.

9. God desires worship: Jn 4:23-26.
Satan desires worship: Mt 4:8-10.

10. GOD's Church is the House of GOD: Isa 2:3, Heb 10:21
Satan's church is the Synagogue of Satan: Rev 2:9,3:9

11. The Holy Spirit is of the Lord: 1Sam 16:14
The evil spirit from the Lord: 1Sam 16:14

Satan, attributes of (or lack of):

A. He is a "created" creature... This fact is stated twice in the context of Ezekiel's lament Ez 28:13,15. As a creature, created by God, Satan is limited in his operation and ability.

1. Satan is not omniscient. He is limited with regard to wisdom. Satan knows only what God permits him  to know.
2. Satan is not omnipresent. He is limited with regard to location. He can function only in the places where God permits.
3. Satan is not omnipotent. He is limited with regard to authority. He has no more power and authority than God allows.
4. Satan is not eternal. He is limited with regard to creation. His longevity is God's provision for His own purposes in grace.
5. Satan is not just. Because of his determined self-centeredness, he is limited with regard to fairness. He will never judge fairly.

B. He was "perfect in beauty"... Ez 28:12 He was not the foolish character ridiculed today, with humanistic tendencies and weaknesses.

C. He was the "anointed" cherub... Satan is not human, he is of the created order of angels, "Cherubim", Ez 1:4-25,10:1-22. As a created creature, he is responsible to serve God.

D. He was "without iniquity"... He was "...perfect in his ways" until he exercised his will contrary to God's will. He chose iniquity, therefore, he is responsible for the consequences.

E. He was created to serve God... Satan was appointed by God to a position at His eternal throne, rule, and government, Isa 2:2,14:13, Joel 3:17. In his rebellion against God, he lost that privilege forever. Concerning Satan's origin, remember, "all things including Satan (as an angel) were created by the Lord Jesus Christ, and for Him..." Col 1:16

Compiled by Bob Stanley, September 9, 1999
Updated May 23, 2000

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