Many unfounded charges have been made against the Catholic
Church. Every time I ask for proof of these charges, I am met with silence...
or an insult.
Here are some examples of charges made with no backup documents:
The Church which Jesus Christ founded, apostatised
at the time of Constantine or sometime thereafter. Therefore the Catholic
Church cannot be that Church.
I would be very interested to see proof of this charge so,
Show me your documents!
The Council of Trent added the
seven Deuterocanonical books to the Bible, Wisdom, Baruch, Sirac, Tobit,
Judith, and 1 and 2 Maccabees. Read the minutes of this council and then,
Show me your documental
Blessed Mary had other children.
Show me your documents after
you read the Mary files on this website.
Blessed Mary is not the Mother
of GOD.
Show me where Scripture
says that.
Catholics worship Mary. Read the Blessed Mary files
on this website and then,
Show me your proof.
The Catholic Church forbade reading of the Bible in
the past.
Show me your documented proof.
St. Peter was never in Rome. I debated a top protestant
on this question and I was met with silence.
Show me your documentation attesting
to this.
St. Peter was never given primacy
or authority in the Bible.
Show me your documentation.
There is no such thing as Apostolic succession.
Show me your proof.
The Holy Eucharist is not the body of Jesus Christ.
It is only a symbol.
Show me where it says this in
Holy Scripture. Start with Matthew 26:26-28
Sola Scriptura is scriptural, keeping traditions is
not. Read 'For Whom The Bell Tolls', elsewhere on this website and then,
Show me where Sola Scriptura
is defined in the Bible.
Individual interpretation of Holy
Scripture is acceptable.
Show me where it says this in
Scripture. My Bible says just the opposite. If you do not have documented
proof of these charges, then you are perpetrating slander and lies. Read
Rev 21:27. In a court of law, you shout, 'Guilty as Charged'. However without
proof to back up your charges, your case is thrown out.