*Gen 2:7, ...and man became a living soul.
Gen 12:13, soul shall live because of thee.
Gen 19:20, ...and my soul shall live.
*Gen 35:18, And it came to pass as her soul was departing, for she died...
Isa 42:5, GOD gave breath and spirit to them that tread thereon. (the earth)
*Job 32:8, But there is a Spirit in man...
**Job 34:13-15, GOD shall draw mans spirit and breath. All flesh shall
Ps 23:3, He restoreth my soul...
Ps 25:20, O keep my soul...
Ps 30:3, O Lord, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave...
*Ps 31:5, Into your hand I commit my spirit.
Ps 51:10, ...and renew a right spirit within me.
*Ps 121:7, ...He shall preserve thy soul.
*Prov 10:3, The Lord will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish:
but he casts away the substance of the wicked.
Prov 19:16, He that keeps the commandments keeps his soul; but he that
despises his ways shall die. Prov 25:28, He that has no rule over his own
**Ecc 3:21, Who knows the spirit of man that goes upward, and the spirit
of the beast that goes downward to the Earth?
**Ecc 12:7, Then shall the dust return to the Earth as it was: and the
*Ez 18:4, Behold, all souls are mine...the soul that sins shall die.
Ez 36:26, I will put a new spirit within you.
**Mt 10:28, And fear not them which kill the body but
are not able to kill the soul: rather fear him which is able to kill both
body and soul in hell.
*Mt 16:26, For what profits a man to gain the whole world and lose his
own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Mt 19:16, What shall I do to have eternal life?
Mt 19:17, ...if you will enter into life, keep the commandments.
Mt 19:29, ...and shall possess life everlasting.
**Mk 8:35, For who shall save his life shall lose it, but who shall lose
his life for my sake will save it.
*Mk 8:36, For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and
lose his own soul?
Mk 10:17, What shall I do to gain eternal life?
Mk 10:30, In the age to come, life everlasting.
Lk 10:25, What shall I do to gain eternal life?
Lk 10:28, this and you shall live.
Lk 12:19-20, ...much goods laid up ...this night your soul will be required.
Lk 18:18, What shall I do to gain eternal life?
*Lk 20:38, For HE is not a GOD of the dead, but of the living: for all
live unto HIM.
Lk 21:36, may be worthy to escape all these things...and stand before
the Son of man.
Jn 3:15,16, ...that believe in Him may not die but have life everlasting.
Jn 3:36, He that believes not the Son shall not see life.
Jn 4:14, ...a well of water springing up to everlasting life.
Jn 4:36, And gathers fruit unto life everlasting.
**Jn 5:24, ...He that hears my word has everlasting life and shall not
come unto condemnation; but IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE.
*Jn 5:25, ...the dead shall hear the voice of the Son
of GOD; and they that hear SHALL LIVE.
*Jn 6:47, He that believes in me has everlasting life.
Jn 6:50, This is the bread...that a man may eat and not die.
*Jn 6:51,58, If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever.
*Jn 10:28, And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.
**Jn 11:25, 'He who believes in me, even if he die, shall live'.
*Jn 12:25, Die to this world and live forever.
Jn 17:2, That HE should give eternal life.
Jn 17:3, And this is life eternal...
Acts 2:29-35, ...David, that he is both dead and buried and his sepulcher
is with us to this day...his soul not left in hell...his body not corrupted...
Acts 3:23, ...every soul that does not hear the prophet
shall be destroyed.
Acts 13:48, And as many that were ordained to eternal life believed.
**Rom 2:7, ...and honor and immortality, eternal life.
Rom 5:21, ...unto eternal life...
Rom 6:8, Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live
with Him.
*Rom 6:11, be dead unto sin, but alive unto GOD...
*Rom 6:13, Yield yourselves to GOD, as those that are alive from the dead...
**Rom 6:23, .. the wages of sin is death, but the gift of GOD is eternal
Rom 7:6, ...that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve
in newness of spirit...
**Rom 8:1-27, The flesh will die but the Spirit lives...
*Rom 8:10, ...the body is dead ...the Spirit is life.
*Rom 8:11, ...the Spirit shall quicken your mortal bodies.
Rom 13:1, Let every soul be subject to the higher powers.
1Cor 3:17, For the temple of GOD is holy, which temple you are.
1Cor 5:5, ...that the Spirit may be saved...
1Cor 6:17, But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
1Cor 6:20, ...Glorify GOD in your body and spirit which are GOD'S.
1Cor 15:22, For as in Adam all in CHRIST shall all be made alive.
*1Cor 15:44-45, There is a natural body and a spiritual body.
1Cor 15:49, ..we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
1Cor 15:51, We shall not all sleep...
1Cor 15:52, ...the dead shall be raised incorruptible.
1Cor 15:53, ...this mortal must put on immortality.
1Cor 15:54, Death is swallowed up in victory.
2Cor 2:15, them that are saved, and in them that perish.
2Cor 2:16, ...the Savior of life unto life.
2Cor 5:8, We have the courage to be exiled from the body and to be at home
with the Lord.
*2Cor 13:12, All the Saints send you greetings.
Gal 5:17, For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against
the flesh.
*Gal 6:8, ...he that sows to the Spirit shall...reap life everlasting.
Eph 4:4, There is one body and one spirit...
Eph 5:14, ...awake from your sleep and rise from the dead...
**1Thes 5:23, ...and I pray GOD your whole spirit and soul and body be...
1Tim 6:12, ...lay hold on eternal life.
Tit 1:2, In the hope of eternal life...
Tit 3:7, ...the hope of eternal life.
**Heb 4:12, ..piercing even to the dividing asunder of SOUL AND SPIRIT...
Heb 10:39, ...but to them that believe to the saving of the soul.
Jam 1:21, ...which is able to save your souls.
Jam 2:26, For as the body without the spirit is dead...
*Jam 5:20, ...of his way shall save a soul from death.
*1Pet 4:19, the will of GOD commit the keeping of their souls to
*1Jn 1:2, unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father,
and was manifested unto us. *1Jn 2:25, This is the promise that he hath
promised us, even eternal life.
*1Jn 5:11, And this is the record, that GOD hath given to us eternal life.
*1Jn 5:13, ...know that ye have eternal life.
*1Jn 5:20, This is the true GOD, and eternal life.
3Jn 1:2, ...even as your soul prospers.
Jude 1:21, ...looking for the mercy of Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
Rev 21:10, And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mount...