Sola Scriptura,
The Anemic Man-made
False Doctrine!
"All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching,
for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of
God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
Those are the most common verses which non-Catholic sects use in
a vain attempt to "prove" that the man made false doctrine of 'Sola Scriptura',
or 'Bible Only' is Biblical. However, when these people quote Holy Scripture,
they will invariably quote a verse or two entirely out of context. Before
anyone even begins to discern the message of what Scripture is really trying to
present, they must abide by the established rules, the main axioms of discernment of Holy
Scripture, one of which is that you never take verses out of context. It
is the context, the senses, and the literary genre, which must be taken into
consideration for proper discernment. It is a virtual impossibility for any
writer to put into words the true meaning of what he is trying to convey,
without someone misconstruing and twisting his intended message. That is why
having only one authority for proper discernment is of paramount
"In these epistles there are certain things difficult to
understand, which the unlearned and unstable distort, just as they do the rest
of the Scriptures also, to their own destruction."
2Peter 3:16
one should ever quote individual verses out of context in order to try to
"prove" something other than what the author had intended to convey. When those
two verses from 2Timothy 3 are put into their proper context, they do not mean
at all what non-Catholics say they mean. I will prove this by suggesting that
before continuing on this page, that you take this detour in order for you to put into
proper context, the meaning that Saint Paul had intended for those two
verses, and then please return here.
Some food for thought:
continuing, I would ask that 'If all Scripture is inspired by GOD', then
why aren't the Gospels of Peter, Paul, and Thomas included in your Bible? What
answer to that question does Sola Scriptura provide?
Now that we have those two verses in proper
perspective, let us "pretend" that Sola Scriptura (from here on truncated to
'SS') really does exist, and that it is Biblical. Here are a few thoughts for
you to ponder regarding exactly what you have with SS, but more importantly,
what you do not have.
Since you have branched to the link above
and now have seen the proper context, you now must realize that all you have
from those two verses is the Old Testament, and with it all of the seven books
rejected by the reformers.
When 2Timothy 3:16 and 17 are taken in proper
context, the false doctrine of SS cannot claim the New Testament.
Consequently, SS believers are forced to make do with the Old Testament
alone including the seven
books rejected by Martin
Luther, which they call Apocrypha. How then can the SS believer, who claims
to follow the true teaching of the Bible, relate at all to the Gospels and with
them the teachings of Christ?
You do not have a Holy Trinity to believe
in do you? You see, the word "Trinity" cannot be found by using SS can
You see, the Holy Trinity was defined by the Catholic Council of Nicaea
in 325 A.D.. SS is lacking much more.
You cannot find that the Holy
Spirit is "consubstantial" with the Father and the Son in SS.
That doctrine
was not defined until the Catholic Council of Constantinople in 381. SS was no
help here.
Do you believe in the "Hypostatic Union" (Jesus Christ has two
natures, one human and one divine)?
If so, neither you nor I can find the
"Hypostatic Union" in Scripture by using SS.
The Hypostatic Union was defined
by the Catholic Council of Chalcedon in 451. SS failed us again.
The word
"Bible" cannot be found in the Bible using SS can it? How do you know that the
book which you call the Bible is the Bible? Does SS tell you? If so, where in
the Bible is the list of inspired books within it? Why aren't the books which I
have listed above, and hundreds of others which existed at the time, included in
your "Bible" simply by using SS?
The inspired books of the Bible, called the
canon, were decided upon by
the Catholic Church in several councils after well over three hundred of years
of debate. So for the first three centuries of Christianity, there was no Bible
with a New Testament, and thus no N.T. SS. These Councils were Rome 382, Hippo
393, Carthage 397, and there were later councils such as Florence 1431, and
Trent 1546, reaffirming what these earlier councils had defined. It was those
earlier councils which rejected the Gospels of Peter, Paul, and Thomas, and of
the hundreds of other books declared to be not inspired. The very first Bible
containing a New Testament and the Old Testament was St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate
from 404 A.D.. It has all seven of the books rejected by the reformers. Where is
the canon of the Bible in SS?
Here is a summary of the
facts regarding Sola Scriptura.
1. According to 2Timothy 3:1-17, taken in
context, SS is limited to the Old
Testament only, and includes all of the seven Old Testament books rejected
by the reformers.
SS does not provide the canon
of inspired books within Holy Scripture.
Therefore, how does the SS believer
know which books are inspired and which books are not?
3. SS does not
provide us with a list of uninspired books such as the Gospels of Peter, Paul,
and Thomas, and does not explain why those books are not in the SS believers
Bible. How can the SS believer differentiate between which books are inspired
and which are not?
4. SS does not provide us with the word "Bible". How
then can an SS believer even use the word?
5. Therefore SS believers have
no way of knowing that the book which they call the Bible is the
6. Since SS believers cannot show which books in the Bible are
then they have no right to even call theirs an inspired
7. SS does not provide us with the word "Trinity". So why do SS
believers even use the word?
8. SS does not define the Holy Trinity. So
why do SS believers think it even exists?
9. Do you believe in "Original
Well the words "Original Sin", taken together, are not in the Bible, so
how can you believe in it?
10. Do you believe in the "Incarnation"? How
can you when that word is not to be found in Holy Scripture?
11. Do you
believe in the "Ascension"? How can you when that word is not even in your
12. Do you believe in something called the "Rapture"? How can you
when the word is not to be found in your Bible?
13. Do you believe in
"Christianity"? Well that word cannot be found in the Bible either for SS
14. Do "Protestants" not exist at all simply because that word
cannot be found in SS?
15. Where in SS are the words, 'we are saved by faith alone'? I can find just
one verse where the words "faith" and "only" are found together and there is
that little word "not" before them,
"You see that by works a man is
justified and not by faith only", James 2:24. I cannot seem to find words
in support of 'faith alone', except in Martin Luther's German Bible, where he added the
word 'alone' to Romans 3:28. The book of James was a thorn in Luther's side, as
it contradicted what he taught. That is the reason why he called that book "a
straw epistle", meaning it was good for burning.
16. The words "Sola
Scriptura" do not appear anywhere in the Bible, so how can any SS believer
possibly practice it? By its very name, Sola Scriptura, if it is not in the
Bible, then it simply is not to be believed. I get that answer all the time from
SS believers who try to tell me that "everything" is in the Bible, in spite of
the fact that the Bible in no way says that. However, the Bible does say that
everything is not in the Bible, which is just the exact opposite of what
SS believers tell me. See John 20:30, and 21:25.
Who should I believe, what
SS believers tell me, or what the Word of GOD says?
17. Tell me about the
workings of SS at the very beginning when the Church was founded by Christ in
about 30 A.D., and the first book of the New Testament, 1Thessalonians, was not
written until over twenty years later? If you would read the book of Acts, you will find that the
Church was growing very fast during that period. Three thousand were added in
only one day in Acts 2:41, and in Acts 2:27, more were added every day. Acts 4:4
mentions five thousand more believers. How can any SS adherent explain this
fabulous growth without a New Testament to guide these early believers?
an Old Testament SS suffice for New covenant teaching?
18. SS could not
possibly have worked for the first 374 years of Christianity (assuming it began
in 30 A.D.), since there was no New Testament at all as we know it until 404
19. SS could have not possibly have worked for over one thousand
years after the Latin Vulgate of 404, since the printing press was not invented
until 1450 and all Bibles had to be laboriously copied by hand before then. It
is estimated that each Bible took from ten to twenty years of a monks daily life
to reproduce just one copy. A beautiful opulence abounded in those copies, as
many were decorated with real gold and precious jewels. The cost for each was
prohibitive. Who of the common masses could afford one?
If GOD needed SS then
why did He wait over 1400 years before creating Gutenberg so that he could
invent the printing press?
20. SS could not have worked at all with the
prevalence of illiteracy running as high as 95% for so many
21. The false man-made doctrine of SS does not appear anywhere
in genuine historical
writings before Martin
Luther came along in the sixteenth century and "invented it".
22. How does
the SS believer know which SS interpretation to believe since each one is his or
her own pope? One teaches one thing and another teaches just the opposite. That
is the main reason why there are tens of thousands of SS believer sects* in the
world today, all teaching something different, and all saying "the Holy Spirit told me". Who
has the authority for
the SS believer to say, "This is the one true meaning of Scripture"? The answer
is that there is no authority. It is every SS believer for himself in Biblical
interpretation which is forbidden by SS itself for any SS believer to do so,
Acts 8:26-38, 2Peter 1:20, 2Peter 3:16.
*The World Christianity Encyclopedia,
a Protestant publication. It lists 36,400 as of the middle of 2003.
If "everything is in the Bible", so I am told by SS believers, then why do SS
believers not believe and practice all of Scripture? Why do they reject large
portions of it? Here are some examples of what they reject:
* The three
verses I just listed which collectively say there is to be no private
interpretation of Holy Scripture.
* 1Corinthians 11:2 and 2Thessalonians
2:15, which say to hold the traditions. SS believers say do not hold
* 1Timothy 3:15, does not say the bible is the pillar and
foundation of the truth, but it is the Church.
* John 10:16, that there shall
be one fold and one shepherd, and not the
tens of thousands that SS believers have formed.
* 1Corinthians 1:10, that
you all say the same thing and that there be no dissensions. Well I have just
shown that all of the thousands of sects teach different things, and it is
dissensions which cause them to split and form even more sects.
* John chapter 6 which SS believers
say is symbolic, yet the
same ones say that the rest of the Bible is literal.
* Matthew 16:18 that
Jesus said church and not tens of thousands of churches.
* Matthew 28:20
where Jesus Christ promised to be with His one Church every day in every century
until the end of time.
* Luke 1:48, 'Henceforth', means from this moment on.
'All generations', means just that and I presume that it includes
everyone who is reading this file. 'Will',
is a command and not a suggestion. 'Call me blessed'. In all of my extensive
conversations with SS believers, not a single one has ever obeyed the command of
this verse. This verse is proof positive that SS believers do not follow Holy
Scripture, but pick and choose what fits their false beliefs. It is a clear
violation of James 2:10,
"If someone obeys all of GOD's laws except one, that
person is guilty of breaking all of them."
* Luke 2:51, Scripture tells us
that the creator of the universe was subject to a creature, His Mother, Blessed
Mary, for the first 30 years of His life. Why don't SS believers acknowledge
this fact?
* Deuteronomy 4:2, 13:1, Proverbs 30:5-6, Revelation 22:18-20, 'Do
not add to or subtract from Holy Scripture' (see #24 below).
* Deuteronomy
12:8, 'You shall not do as we are now doing; here, everyone does what seems
right for himself'.
This is yet another condemnation of individual
interpretation of Holy Scripture. "If it fits my interpretation it is right for
* Revelation 21:8, 21:27 and 22:15, that liars will never make it into
* Romans 1:18 and 2:8, meet with wrath for those who are contentious
and do not submit to the truth. Well I have shown from this lengthy list that SS
believers are guilty as charged for closing their eyes and ignoring the verses I
have listed in this section. They certainly do not submit to the truth of Holy
Scripture. Isn't saying that they obey Holy Scripture, while at the same time
ignoring large sections of it, being hypocritical?
A verse which I have
previously listed cries out to be repeated at this point:
"For whoever keeps
the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it."
2:10, RSV
"If someone obeys all of GOD's laws except one, that person is
guilty of breaking all of them."
James 2:10, GW
24. Obviously in some
cases, the SS believers theme, "everything is in the Bible", does not suffice
for them, so in their teaching they add to Scripture by resorting to the use of
eisegesis (eye-si JEE-sis), which is an interpretation of Scripture that
expresses the individual interpreters own ideas and bias, rather than the true
meaning of the text as the author had intended.
Here are some examples of SS
believers use of eisegesis and how it adds to, twists, and distorts the meaning
of Holy Scripture.
The eisegesis additions or changes to the true Words of
GOD are shown in purple.
are many more than I have listed here.
* Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22, Luke
22:19, 'This is a symbol of my body'.
* John
6:35, 'I am a symbol of the bread of life'.
If the manna in the desert is symbolic of the Holy Eucharist,
does an O.T. symbol ever point
to another symbol in the N.T.?
If you think so, then what is the purpose of
* John 6:51
'I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this
bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of
the world is only a symbol of my flesh'.
* John
6:57, 'and I live because of the Father, so he who eats a
symbol of me will live because of me'.
Does a symbol of something have
the powers of that something?
* 1Corinthians 11:29, 'For anyone who eats and
drinks without discerning the body, could not possibly eat
and drink judgment upon himself, for how could a mere symbol harm anyone'?
* Psalms 127:1, 'Unless the Lord builds
tens of thousands of houses, those who build it labor in vain'.
Matthew 16:18, 'You are Peter,
an insignificant little pebble,
and upon this insignificant little pebble I
will build my tens of thousands of different
churchES and all of them
will be teaching something different'.
Do you
really think they will all fit on that one insignificant little pebble?
* Revelation
1:11, 'What thou seest write in a book, and send to the seven Protestant churches...'.
Matthew 16:19, 'I will give every SS believer
the keys
to the Kingdom of Heaven'.
(Since we all know that each SS believer is his
or her own authority, and thus is his or her very own pope, it would not make
sense for them to be so unless each one had his or her very own set of keys as
* Matthew 28:20, 'I am with you until you
apostatize after the last Apostle has died, and then I will move to another
Note! The identity of this, "another
church", is unknown since no SS believer can name it or its founder. Also the
date of this monumental and greatest universe shaking event since the
crucifixion and resurrection of Christ is unknown. To add to this lack of historical evidence, there is
not one single supporting genuine historical document of proof that it ever
Just imagine, an event of this magnitude and it goes unreported
and unrecorded! Where were the scribes of the day?
If you will read Ephesians
1:23 you will find that the Church which Jesus founded is His Body and He is its
Head. How could His Body go into apostasy and be separated from His
* Ephesians 5:23, 'Just as Christ is head of the Church, being
himself not the Savior of His Body'.
After all,
how could He be the Savior of His Body if it (His Church) fell into apostasy?
* Matthew
16:19, '...and the gates of hell will prevail against my one
and only Church'.
* Ephesians 3:21, 'to him
be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus until the
day when the Church goes into apostasy'.
* Acts
1:20, 'And , his ministry do not let another take,
for everyone knows there is no such thing as
Apostolic Succession'.
*2Timothy 2:2, '...and the
things that you have heard from me through many witnesses, do not commend to trustworthy men, for they may be competent in
turn to teach others. This will assure that there will be no such thing as
Apostolic Succession'.
* Matthew 18:17,
'and if he refuses to hear them, appeal to the bible'.
* John 10:16, 'and there shall be tens of thousands of folds...'.
* 1Corinthians 1:10, 'I appeal to you, brethren, by the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you disagree
and that there be many dissensions among you, but
that you be not united in the same mind and the same judgment'.
1Corinthians 1:13, 'Has Christ been divided up? No, not at
all, I see no divisions here'.
* Luke 11:17, 'Every kingdom divided
against itself is brought to fruition,
and house will rise upon
house, by the tens of thousands'.
(Oops! Do I see a conflict here with the verse listed
immediately above this one?)
John 16:13, 'When the Spirit of
Truth comes, he will teach something different to each
of the tens of thousands of sects'.
* Ephesians
3:10, 'in order that through tens of thousands of different
churches all teaching something contrary to each other, that there be made known to the Principalities and the Powers in
the heavens the manifold wisdom of GOD'.
* 2Peter 1:20, 'This then you
must understand first of all, that all prophecy of Scripture is only to be
made by private
* Acts 8:32, 'I need no one
to show me since we are each guided by the Holy
Spirit to interpret it for ourselves'.
If that be
the case, then why do not all of the tens of thousands of sects teach the same
Is there a different Spirit for each sect, or one Spirit teaching
something different to each?
* Acts 5:32, 'And we are witnesses of
these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom GOD has given to all SS believers regardless if they obey him or not'.
Do those who 'obey Him' ignore large parts of His Word, and
read into His Word (eisegesis) things that simply are not there? Doesn't this
verse really mean that those who do not obey Him are not guided by the Holy Spirit?
Romans 3:28, 'For we hold that a man is justified by faith alone apart from works of the
* Romans 13:2, 'Therefore he who resists the authority resists the
ordinance of GOD; and they that resist bring on themselves condemnation except for Martin Luther and the other reformers and their
* Hebrews 13:17, 'Obey your
superiors and be subject to them, however, Martin Luther and
the other reformers are exempted'.
Matthew 22:39, 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself except if he be Catholic'.
*1Corinthians 10:32, 'Do not be a stumbling block to Jews
and Greeks, but be sure that you are one to the Church of
*1Corinthians 15:9, 'For I am the
greatest of the Apostles, and am worthy to be called
an Apostle, because I persecuted the Church of GOD'.
* Philippians 2:12, 'There is no
need to work out your salvation with fear and trembling for we are already saved'.
* James
2:24, 'You see that not by
works a man is justified,
but by faith only'.
* James 2:26, 'For just as the body without the
spirit is dead, faith without works is assured
salvation for all SS believers'.
* And
finally, we close exactly where we began with 2Timothy 3:16-17, 'All scripture
is inspired by God, past, present, and future, meaning any
and all of that which has not even been written yet, and used exclusively for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
and for all-inclusive training in righteousness, that
the man of God may be totally complete, fully equipped with faith
2Timothy 2:16-17 taken verbatim, and out of context as SS
believers always do, conveys the false message that anyone can write a book
(after all a book is scripture) and then declare it as being inspired by
"In these epistles there are certain things difficult to understand, which
the unlearned and unstable distort, just as they do the rest of the Scriptures
also, to their own destruction."
2Peter 3:16
"Thou shalt not
rewrite Holy Scripture in order to fit thy own beliefs and biases. Instead, thou
shalt conform thy teachings, and confine thy beliefs to the inspired Word of
GOD, with nothing added, and with nothing taken away."
See Deut 4:2, 11:32,
13:1, Psa 12:7, 33:4, 50:16-17, 107:10-11, 119:57, 139-140,
Prov 5:7, 30:5-6,
Eccl 3:14, Jer 23:36, Gal 1:8-9, 1Pet 1:24-25, 2Pet 3:15-16, Rev
I just love Proverbs 30:6 don't you?
GOD, in His
Infinite Wisdom, would never have given us one infallible book,
without first
giving us one authorized and infallible interpreter for
However, GOD did first give us one authorized infallible
interpreter for it. He gave us His Church.
Written by Bob Stanley, May 20, 2003
Updated July 21,