the Word of GOD is not a book, but a Person?
John 1:1, John 1:14
truth is a person?
John 14:6
whatever Jesus Christ said must be true because He said it?
See 1John 5:10 for the obverse
of this statement.
the Bible does not tell us which books within it are inspired and which
ones are not?
How then do we know that the
Bible which we use IS the Bible?
How do we know that the books
within it really belong there?
...that the Bible came from the Catholic Church, and not the Church from the Bible?
by the time Saint John had completed the Book of Revelation, the Catholic
Church was already on its fifth Pope?
Pope Saint Evaristus 97-105 A.D.
non-Catholics have to admit that the Catholic Church made an infallible
decision when it published the Canon of the New Testament, since they all
use the same 27 books?
How then can they deny the Canon
of the Old Testament decided by the same Catholics in the same Councils
that decided the Canon of the New Testament?
none of the Gospel writers signed their work?
How then, do we know who the
authors of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were?
Saint James may have been the Bishop of Jerusalem in Acts 15:13, but Saint
Peter was Bishop of all the world?
Eusebius (263-339) Bishop of
Caesarea and known as "The Father of Church History", wrote in
'The History of the Church' volume 2 chapter 1, "But Clement in the
sixth book of his Hypotyposes writes thus: 'For they say that Peter and
James and John after the ascension of our Saviour, as if also preferred
by our Lord, strove not after honor, but chose James the Just bishop of
Read Acts 1:8, where Jerusalem
is only one of many See's to be founded by the
Apostles. The Books of Acts, Revelation, and a few others, record more
than 30 additional ones other than Jerusalem.
the decision documented in Acts 15 was NOT made by Scripture alone
(Sola Scriptura)?
The question which arose in this chapter, was about
the Gentile converts and whether or not they had to be circumcised (vs
3-5). The Apostles, in their very first Church Council, the Council of
Jerusalem, made the decision not to demand circumcision for converts (vs
28-29), and that decision was made by the Apostles and the Holy Spirit
alone, and with no mention of Scripture being consulted. There is no doubt
that the Apostles knew that this particular circumstance was NOT in Scripture,
and that they knew they would have to decide the result by using their
own GOD given authority (Matthew 16:19,18:17-18, John 20:21-23), and with
the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Compare what I have said here with John 14:16-17 and
John 16:13-15.
See! Everything is NOT in the Bible, as the Bible plainly
tells us in John 20:30-31 and John 21:25.
The situation is exactly the same today when different
circumstances arise. The Catholic Church calls a council, and the Pope,
the Magisterium, the Bishops and Cardinals in conjunction with the Holy
Spirit make a final decision to resolve the question. Rome has spoken,
the issue is settled.
Rome, not Jerusalem, was chosen to be the seat of the Catholic Church for
many reasons?
1. Rome was the capitol of the
world at the time. Heads tend to settle in capitols.
2. Rome was also the largest
city in the Roman Empire which made it the center of attraction. Have you
ever heard of the phrase, "All roads lead to Rome"?
3. Saint Peter, the first Pope,
and the visible head of the Catholic Church, was
in Rome when he was martyred in 67 A.D.. Saint Paul was in Rome also
when he was martyred.
4. Jesus had said in John 4:21,
"Woman, believe me, the hour is coming
when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father."
5. Jesus Christ had said in Matthew
24:1-22, that Jerusalem would soon be destroyed.
That prophecy was fulfilled in
70 A.D. when three Roman legions led by Titus did indeed destroy it.
when you see Jerusalem being surrounded by an army, then know that her
desolation is at hand. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains;
and let those who are in her midst go out, and let those who are in the
country not enter her. For these are days of vengeance, that all things
that are written may be fulfilled. But woe to those with child, or have
infants at the breast in those days! For there will be great distress over
the land, and wrath upon this people. And they will fall by the edge of
the sword, and will be led away as captives to all the nations. And Jerusalem
will be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the times of the nations be
Luke 21:20-24
This all happened exactly
as Jesus Christ had predicted. All of the gory details of this massacre
can be found in the writings by the Jewish historian Josephus, who lived
at the time, and by Eusebius.
Christians did flee as Jesus
prophesied in the above verses, and all were saved, as recorded by Eusebius
in his History of the Church, book III, chapter 5.
Being forewarned by the Lord
Himself of this impending disaster, why would the Apostles even consider
Jerusalem to be the center of Christianity?
Saint Paul admonished the Ephesians day and night for three years?
Acts 20:31
Yet his letter to the Ephesians
is only six chapters long and can be read in just a few minutes.
Where is the rest of his three
year dialog with the Ephesians? Is everything in the Bible?
in Matthew 16:13-17, it was Simon-Peter only, who knew the truth of who
Jesus Christ was?
GOD the Father revealed it to
him and him alone. All of the rest had only an opinion.
Catholics look to the Successor
of Peter, the Pope, whom we can trust to reveal GOD's truth to us.
GOD always had a Father
Figure to shepherd His people?
From Adam, to Noah, to Abraham,
to Isaac, to Jacob, to Moses, to David, to Peter, there was always a male
figure that GOD used to shepherd His flock. It is no different today, as
GOD never changes.
every time GOD changed the name of someone in the Bible, He also gave that
person authority?
He changed Abram to Abraham and
made him the father of a multitude of nations. Exodus 17:5
He changed Sarai to Sara and
made her the mother of nations. Exodus 17:15-16
He changed Jacob to Israel and
made him the first Israeli. Exodus 32:29
He changed Simon to Peter and
gave him primacy over the other Apostles. Matthew 16:18-19
in John 21:16, the Greek word used for "feed" is "poimaino"
(poimaino, second person, singular), which means, to act as a shepherd,
to rule, to govern, to pastor, or the presiding officer?
It is the only time this Greek
word is used in the Gospel of John. In John 21:15 and 17, the Greek word
used for "feed" is "bosko"
(bosko), which means "to feed". So verses 15-17 say "feed
my lambs, SHEPHERD my lambs, and feed my sheep". Jesus commanded Peter
alone, to be the visible SHEPHERD of His flock.
In John 10:16, Jesus said, "...and
there shall be one fold and ONE SHEPHERD."
The Greek word used for "shepherd" here is "poimen"
(poimen, masculine, singular). Clearly, Jesus said in these verses that
there will be only ONE SHEPHERD, and that visible shepherd on earth will
be Peter, who would soon become the first Bishop of Rome, and the first
the power to forgive sins was given to men?
Matthew 9:1-8, John 20:22-23,
2Corinthians 2:10
Jesus taught from the Barque of Peter and no other boat?
Luke 5:1-4
The Barque of Peter is a "type"
of the Catholic Church, as is Noah's Ark.
The Ship of the Church, the Barque
of Peter, will survive because Christ is aboard.
See Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-40,
and Luke 8:22-25.
Saint Paul said, "Unless these men remain in the ship, you cannot
be saved"?
Acts 27:31
Saint Peter said that only eight souls were saved because they were aboard
Noah's Ark?
1Peter 3:20
...that the relics of all of the Apostles and Gospel writers are in Catholic Churches?
three of the greatest Biblical heros were murderers?
They were Moses in Exodus 2:12,
David in 2Samuel 11:14-27, and Saul (Paul) in Acts 7:58-59.
GOD uses sinners in His plan
of Salvation, noting that all three wrote inspired books of the Bible.
one Pope
denied Christianity three times, and later wrote two infallible documents
which we use to this very day?
His name is Peter.
Matthew 26:69-75
one Apostle denied Him, one betrayed Him, one doubted Him, and all ran
away from Him?
Matthew 26:69-75, Matthew 26:25,
John 20:25, and Matthew 26:56.
the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:1-16, lists three major breaks in Mosaic
This indicates immediately, in
the first 16 verses of the New Testament, that the Old Covenant, and with
it the Mosaic Law, is soon coming to an end, being fulfilled (Matthew 5:17),
and shortly to be superceded by the New Covenant of Jesus Christ (Matthew
26:28, Hebrews 8:13).
1. Females
are listed:
(3)Tamar Gen 38:6, 1Chron 2:4,
(5) Rahab Josh 2:1,17, (5) Ruth, book of Ruth, (6) Bathsheba (former wife
of Uriah) 2Sam 11:12,24.
Jewish law required that only
males were to be listed in genealogies. See Numbers 1:17-18.
2. Sinners
are listed:
(3) Tamar, a deceiver, (5) Rahab,
a harlot, (6) Bathsheba, an adulteress, (6) Solomon, idolatry.
By naming sinners, GOD has shown
that He is the GOD of mercy.
are listed:
(3) Tamar, a Canaanite, (5) Rahab,
a Canaanite, (5) Ruth, a Moabite, (6) Bathsheba, a Hittite. Foreigners
like these symbolized GOD's desire to save all, with no longer a distinction
between Jew and Gentile, Colossians 3:11.
those who accuse Catholics of not reading their Bibles, as often as non-Catholics,
do not realize that the Catholic Church can be visualized as resting upon
a three-legged stool,
only one leg of which is the Bible?
The other two legs are Sacred
(Apostolic) Tradition, and the Magisterium, or teaching authority.
When the reformers broke away
from the Catholic Church, they lost two of the legs. They rejected Apostolic
Tradition and the authority of the Magisterium, thereby leaving themselves
with only one leg...the Bible, which they took from the Catholic Church.
They tend to dwell on the only leg they have left, whereas Catholics dwell
on all three legs. Did Jesus Christ say to the disciples,
'Read the Bible', or did He say,
"Go out into all nations
and teach them
all that I have commanded you (Matthew 28:19-20)"?
Did Jesus Christ found a teaching
Church, or did He found a book?
"Faith then depends on HEARING, and HEARING on the Word of Christ"?
Romans 10:17
Where does Scripture say that
faith depends on reading
the Word of Christ?
Catholics are frequently accused
of not reading their Bibles. However, no one can ever accuse Catholics
of not hearing
the Word of Christ. At every Catholic Mass, over a period of three years,
the entire Bible, except for some of the begats, is read and preached to
all of the people and after that the cycle is repeated over and over again.
If the Catholic lives to the age of 75, it is possible that he or she has
had almost all of the Bible read to them 25 times.
Name another Church which fulfills
Romans 10:17 as well as the Catholic Church does?
"And I saw another angel
flying in midheaven, having an everlasting gospel to preach to those who
dwell upon the earth and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people."
Revelation 14:6
Name another church which has
an everlasting gospel preached to them, and to every nation and tongue
and people as does the Catholic Church?
Saint Joseph taught the Creator of the Universe how to make furniture?
Mark 6:3
the Apostles never caught fish without the help of Jesus?
We can do nothing of ourselves
without the help of GOD. John 15:5
Jesus said that bad fish would be caught in the net also, and that the
bad fish would be thrown away?
Matthew 13:47-50
both the wheat and the chaff will co-mingle until the very end?
Matthew 13:24-30
proof showing Christianity to be true can be found in the many Old Testament
prophecies that Gentiles will come to the Jewish GOD?
You can see this in the Old Testament
verses listed and then the fulfillment in the NewTestament. Isaiah 11:10,
Isaiah 42:1,6, 49:6,22, 54:3, 60:3,5,11,16, 61:6,9, 62:2, 66:12,19, Jeremiah
16:19, Micah 5:8, Malachi 1:11, Matthew 12:18,21, 20:25, Luke 2:32, 21:24,
John 7:35, Acts 4:27, 9:15, Acts 10:45, 11:1,18, 13:42,46-48, 14:27, 15:3,7,12,14,17,19,23,
18:6, 21:19,21,25, 22:21,
Acts 26:17,20,23, 28:28, Romans
1:13, 2:14, 3:29, 9:24, 11:11-13,25, 15:9-27, 16:4,
1Corinthians 12:13, Galatians
2:2,14-15,3:14, Ephesians 3:1,6,8, Colossians 1:27,
1Thessalonians 2:16, 1Timothy
2:7, 1Timothy 3:16, 2Timothy 1:11, 4:17, Revelation 11:2.
the True Church which Jesus Christ founded will offer Spiritual Sacrifices
performed every day in every place by a Holy Priesthood?
"Draw near to Him, a living
stone, rejected indeed by men but chosen and honored by GOD. Be you yourselves
as living stones, built thereon into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood,
to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to GOD through Jesus Christ."
1Peter 2:4-5
"For from the rising of
the sun even to the going down, My Name is great among the Gentiles, and
in every place there is sacrifice, and there is offered to My Name a clean
oblation, for My Name is great among the Gentiles said the Lord of Hosts."
Malachi 1:11
"First I give thanks to my GOD through Jesus Christ
for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed all over the world."
Romans 1:8
Name another church which fulfills these verses by
offering in every place,
a daily spiritual sacrifice,
a clean oblation, acceptable to GOD through Jesus Christ, and by a Holy
Name another church which even offers a daily sacrifice?
These verses describe perfectly, the Mass of the Catholic Church.
the "Manna in the Desert" is a "type"
of the Holy Eucharist?
On seeing it, the Israelites asked one another,
"What is this?" for they did not know what it was. But Moses
told them, "This is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat."
Exodus 16:15
"Your fathers ate the manna in the desert,
and have died. This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that if
anyone eat of it he will not die."
John 6:49-50
Never does an Old Testament "type" point to a New Testament symbol.
"Types" always prefigure a much greater reality.
Romans 5:14, 1Corinthians 10:11, Hebrews 11:19
Jesus Christ said, "...unless you eat
the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you shall not have life
in you"?
John 6:53
What does this profound statement
mean to you? Where does He say the "symbol" of His flesh? Remember
1John 5:10 as mentioned earlier.
those who did not believe the words of Jesus Christ left Him and never
came Back?
Did you get the verse number connection?
If Jesus spoke only symbolically in
John chapter 6,
then why did they leave Him, never more to return, for only a symbolic
gesture? It would have made no sense whatsoever
for them to do so.
Also, if He was only speaking a parable, why then
did He not call them back and tell them so?
After all, He did explain every one
of His parables since no one understood them, did He not?
I would like for someone to explain
to me why non-believers of the True Presence take the whole Bible literally,
except for John chapter 6?
All those who do not believe in the
True Presence are those in this verse who walk away from Him.
This is a count of those who do not
believe the words of Jesus
Christ in this chapter, and simply walk away, never to come back. Are you
included in this count?
St. Paul said, "The cup of the blessing that we bless, is it not the
sharing of the Blood of Christ? And the Bread that we break, is it not
the partaking of the Body of the Lord?"
1Corinthians 10:16
Did St. Paul say anything about this
summit and center of the Catholic Mass as being only a symbolic gesture?
No? Then why do you not believe what he said?
St. Paul said, "Therefore, whoever eats this bread or drinks the cup
of the Lord unworthily, will be guilty of the Body and the Blood of the
1Corinthians 11:27
How can a person be "guilty"
of anything if this is only a symbolic gesture?
St. Paul also said, "...for he who eats and drinks unworthily, without
distinguishing the body, eats and drinks judgment to himself"?
1Corinthians 11:29
How could one bring "judgment
to himself" if this verse reads only symbolically?
This is the reason why non-Catholics
may not receive the Holy Eucharist in the Catholic Church, since they do
not believe it is truly the Body of Christ, but only a symbol.
See? If they did partake, they would
bring judgment upon themselves.
when Jesus said the word "Unless",
it was usually a dire warning that His word must be obeyed, "Or
you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven",
or similar wording?
Matthew 5:20, "...Unless
your justice exceeds that of the Scribes and the Pharisees...."
Matthew 18:3, "...Unless
you turn and become like little children...."
Luke 13:3,5, "...Unless
you repent...." (you will all perish).
John 3:3, "...Unless
a man be born again...."
John 3:5, "...Unless
a man be born again of water and the Spirit...."
John 6:53, "...Unless
you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you shall not
have life in you, (implied, "no life
everlasting", as shown by the very next verse, John 6:54), "He
who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has life everlasting and I will raise
him up on the last day".
the word "Amen*"
is a Greek word (amen) of Hebrew origin
which, at the beginning of a discourse means, "certainly", "surely",
"truly", "of a truth", "so be it"?
When used as a prefix by Jesus Christ
, it is to emphasize that it is a Statement of especial solemnity.**
Now, what do you suppose He meant when He emphasized twice, by using a
double "Amen"?
amen, I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but my
Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of GOD is that
which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."
John 6:32-33
Notice that Jesus used a double emphasis
by beginning these verses with 'truly', 'truly'.
Do you truly truly believe what He
said in this verse?
Is there any room for symbolism in
these verses whatsoever?
amen, I say to you, he who believes in me has life everlasting."
John 6:47
Again, He said 'truly, 'truly', but
of course everyone believes His words in this verse, so everyone truly,
truly believes Him here. But, read on for a possible "snag" for
some, regarding this verse.
amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink
his blood, you do not have life within you."
John 6:53
What? 'Truly, 'truly' again? Another
double emphasis? The context for this verse is the same as for the previous
examples in this section.
Why do you think Jesus used a double
emphasis yet again? Why do people repeat themselves at all?
They do it to drive home a very important
point, that is why!
Interestingly, Weymouth's Modern Speech
New Testament translates the first words of this verse as:
most solemn truth, I tell you...".
What would Jesus have had to say to make his words any more
clear than what He actually said?
Then why do some say "Truly, truly, in this
verse, He was only speaking symbolically"?
If this verse is to be taken only symbolically,
then the previous example, John 6:47, must be treated in the same context,
as being only a symbolic gesture also. If that is the case, then we have
a domino effect working throughout Scripture. All verses with the same
meaning of John 6:47, "believe in Christ and you have life everlasting",
must be only symbolic as well. Some well known, and well used verses with
the same, or very similar meaning are, John 3:15-16,18, 5:24, 6:40, 8:24,
and 20:31, Acts 13:48, and 16:31, Romans 10:9-11,
1Timothy 1:16, and 4:10, 2Timothy 1:1,
and 1John 5:13.
Protestant Bibles use the word "Verily", instead of "Amen",
in the verses shown above.
Verily means, "in truth",
or "with confidence". However, in the Greek text the word used
is Amen.
**See the footnote in the Confraternity
Bible for Matthew 5:18.
the Greek word for "life" used in John 6:53 in the previous segment,
is "zoen" (zoen) which means,
"divine life of GOD imparted to us"?
There are other Greek words for "life"
that St. John could have chosen, such as "bios"
(bios) which simply means "life". The fact that he chose the
word that he did, lends great credibility to the literal meaning of this
verse and with not a hint of symbolism.
the Catholic Church is the cause of holiness in its members?
The holiness of its members do not
make the Church more holy.
Conversely, the unholiness of her members
do not make the Church any less holy.
Jesus Christ is not His Name?
It is correct to say Jesus THE
Christ. Throughout the Old Testament are verses which prophecy the coming
of "The Anointed One", "The Messiah", or "The
Christ". See Daniel 9:25-26 for two examples. Jesus is The Anointed
One, The Messiah, or The Christ. The word "Christ" comes from
the Greek word "Christos", which means the Anointed One.
Jesus came AFTER Mary?
Do you realize that Christ has a triple
1. He was born into eternity of a Father
without a mother. John 1:1-5,14, Hebrews 5:5
2. He was born into time of a Mother
without a father. Luke 1:35, 2:7
3. He is born into us at Baptism.
Christ is the second person of the
Most Holy Trinity and He always existed. Jesus being born into time, the
second birth of Christ, was born of Mary, and therefore He came AFTER her.
Christ is mentioned many times in the Old Testament as shown in the previous
paragraph. The coming of Jesus is alluded to in Isaiah 7:14, but you will
not find Jesus mentioned in the Old Testament except as a "type".
Remember His correct name is Jesus THE Christ.
Each one of us also has a triple birth,
our natural birth, our supernatural birth at Baptism, and our birth into
eternal life.
Jesus Christ kept the Ten Commandments, including the one which says, "Honor
your father and your mother"?
"...I also
keep my Father's commandments, and abide in His love."
John 15:10
If He honored His mother, can any one of us do less?
Aren't we obligated to follow Him and do the same as He? See John 12:26.
After all, she is our spiritual mother, John 19:26-27.
Dare anyone dishonor the mother of Jesus Christ?
What action would you take if someone dishonored your mother?
What will Jesus say to you at your time of judgment?
Will He say, "Yes, My mother has spoken of you often"?
Or will He say, "Why have you calumnized My mother"?
the Divine person, Jesus Christ, obeyed His mother, Mary, and His foster
father Joseph?
Luke 2:51
four people in Holy Scripture managed to persuade GOD to change His intentions?
They are, Abraham in Genesis 18:20-23, Moses
in Exodus 32:9-14, Jonah in Jonah 3:10, and only one in the New Testament,
the Mother of GOD in John 2:3-5.
we are commanded to call the Mother of GOD, Blessed?
Luke 1:48, "...behold, henceforth
all generations shall call me blessed;"
Doesn't "henceforth" mean from this moment on?
And doesn't "all generations" mean all of us? And doesn't the
word "shall" denote a command and not a suggestion?
How can anyone claim to follow Holy Scripture and
at the same time flagrantly ignore Luke 1:48?
...that the Mother of GOD is in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 3:15, and she is in the last book of the Bible, Revelation 12:1-2, and she is in the middle of the Bible, Isaiah 7:14?
petitioning the Saints for their prayers makes a lot of sense if you consider
what would have happened to the godless judge if the poor widow had 20
more petitioners praying in her behalf?
Luke 18:1-8. Read verses 6-8 slowly
and carefully.
the Queens of the
Old Testament were the mothers of the Kings not the wives?
1Kings 2:19-20
Equate this fact with the King of Kings
and His most Holy Mother?
those who say that the word "brethren" means blood brother only,
will have a hard time explaining who the parents of the 120 brethren and
the 500 brethren were in Holy Scripture?
See Acts 1:15-16, and 1Corinthians
in Galatians 1:19, where James is called, the "brother
of the Lord",
he is also called an Apostle?
In the introduction to the Book of
James in the "New International Version", a Protestant bible,
it says, James, the "brother" of Jesus. This statement strongly
implies a blood brother. There were two Apostles named James. It is a simple
matter to expose the fallacy of "blood brothers of Jesus" by
comparing Acts 1:13 which says one James was the son of Alpheus, and Matthew
4:20, which says the other James was the son of Zebedee. Do you see? Neither
James was a blood brother of Jesus.
Jesus told Mary Magdalen to go to His "brethren" (the
word is "brothers" in some Bibles),
and to whom does she go in the very next verse?
See John 20:17-18
She went to His "disciples".
Once again, the words "brethren" and "brothers", do
not necessarily mean a blood brother.
Jesus said, "And no one has ascended
into heaven except him who has descended from heaven: the Son of Man who
is in heaven"?
John 3:13
Yet in Matthew 17:1-7, and Luke 9:26-36,
Moses and Elias appeared to Jesus and three of His disciples, and they
were even conversing with Jesus. Now since both Moses and Elias had been
dead for hundreds of years, from where did they come? They certainly could
not have come from hell, as no one ever leaves there. John 3:13 says they
could not have come from heaven either.
The only possible answer is that both
came from a third place!
GOD obeys His Priests in the Sacraments?
Matthew 26:26, Luke 22:19, 2Corinthians
we cannot put limits on an unlimited GOD?
Some try to when they question the
Immaculate Conception or the Virgin Birth.
GOD is not bound by His laws which bind us?
Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, Luke 1:37,18:27
if something is wrong, it is always wrong even if everyone is doing it?
...that if something is right, it is
always right even if no one is doing it?
Adam was NOT deceived by Satan, but Eve was?
Genesis 3:4-6, 1Timothy 2:14
Satan saw that Eve would be a more
effective target than Adam.
It took the serpent to trick the woman, but only a woman to trick the man.
Adam was a Christ figure (Romans 5:14, 1Corinthians 15:45), and in order
to get back to him we all have to go through a woman? Think
about it!
It was the woman "Eve" who
got to Adam; it was and is the woman "Mary" who leads us to Jesus.
It is women (types) of the Old Testament who bridge the paths that precede
the Blessed Virgin Mary and lead to Jesus Christ. Male and female are one,
as the error of Adam and Eve become the TRUTH of Jesus and Mary.
it was GOD who died on the cross and not merely His human nature as some
Jesus THE
Christ is a Divine person and not a human
person. He is GOD acting in a human nature. Nature describes what a person
can do, but the person does it.
Every action of the nature belongs
to the person.
It is persons who die on crosses, not
"And when I saw him,
I fell at his feet as one dead. And he laid his right hand upon me saying,
not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and he who lives; I was dead,
and behold, I am living forever more; and I have the keys of death and
Revelation 1:17-18.
See also, Philippians 2:5-11, and Acts
...that whether you believe a doctrine or not, your belief has no bearing on doctrinal truth?
...that those who hold back the truth of GOD are to be faced with His wrath? Romans 1:18
...that we cannot be liars against the truth? James 3:14
the contrary of truth cannot be proven?
Saint Thomas Aquinas
liars will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
Revelation 21:8,27, 22:15
Holy Scripture says, "...but wrath and indignation to those who are
contentious, and who do not submit to the truth but assent to iniquity"?
Acts 2:8
regarding heretics, Holy Scripture says, "But these men, like irrational
animals created by nature for capture and destruction, deride what they
do not understand, and will perish in their own corruption"?
2Peter 2:12
How many non-Catholics have derided you for your beliefs without even trying
to understand them?
it is the Church, and not the Bible which is the Pillar and Foundation
of the Truth?
1Timothy 3:15
those who claim "once saved
always saved", are proclaiming themselves as "Saints" already,
and they are the same people who deride the Catholic Church for canonizing
some as Saints?
Aren't these people who are running
around claiming they are "saved", canonizing themselves?
no one has a guarantee that he or she will go to heaven?
For we all must "work out our
salvation with fear and trembling". Philippians 2:12
there is no salvation for those who do not obey the words of Jesus Christ?
Hebrews 5:9
those who do not believe what Jesus said, call Him a liar?
1John 5:10
you have not his word abiding in you, since you do not believe him whom
he has sent."
John 5:38. Here the Jews are forewarned
that they do not believe him.
Notice that we see proof of what he
said here in the very next chapter, John 6:66, which we have already visited
in a previous segment.
GOD sends no one to hell, as it is we who send ourselves there?
Hebrews 5:9, again!
GOD has given each one of us sufficient grace for our salvation?
2Corinthians 12:9, Ephesians 4:7
How we each make use of it is up to
the individual.
the GOD of Mercy while we live, becomes the GOD of Justice when we die?
John 12:48, Acts 17:31, Romans 2:16,14:10,
Hebrews 10:30, James 5:9
the Bible says, "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed
lest he fall"?
1Corinthians 10:12
Saint Paul was concerned that even he might lose his salvation?
1Corinthians 9:27
when Jesus said, neither shall anyone snatch His sheep out of His hand,
He said nothing about the sheep jumping out of His hand and walking away
from Him by choice did He?
John 10:28
in the parable of the sheep and the goats, both believed but only one worked?
Matthew 25:31-46
others may say that you can't be perfect, but Holy Scripture commands us
to be perfect, even as your Heavenly Father is perfect?
Matthew 5:48
we are cautioned not to be conformed to this world?
Romans 12:2
What is most important in your life, is the GOD of your life.
whoever wishes to be a friend of this world becomes an enemy of GOD?
James 4:4
we are not to love the world or the things within it, for if anyone loves
the world, the love of the Father is not in him?
1 John 2:15
Scripture says, "Mind the things that are above, not the things that
are on earth"?
Colossians 3:2
...that nothing and no one on this earth must keep you from saving your soul?
Revelation 12:1 is connected to 11:19 by the first word, the conjunction
"and" in 12:1?
In the Greek text (the book of Revelation
was written in Greek), the first word of verse 12:1 is "kai"
which means "and". I feel it is important to mention the Greek
text here because some Bibles do not include the word "and".
The context of 11:19 is of Saint John seeing the Ark of the Covenant in
Heaven. "And
a great sign appeared in Heaven: a woman clothed with the Sun, and the
Moon was under her feet, and upon her head is a crown of twelve stars."
This is a clear allusion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Ark seen in Heaven
is not the wooden box which contained the commandments handed down to Moses,
but it is the Blessed Virgin Mary, the New Ark of the
Holy Scripture stresses that we must be ONE, "...and
they shall hear My Voice, and there shall be ONE fold and ONE Shepherd".
John 10:16,17:11,21-23
It is a command from Jesus Christ and
not a suggestion.
Jesus Christ, being Himself Truth (John
14:6), speaks with ONE Voice. He has spoken ONE truth for each of us. Why
then are there so many differing interpretations of what He told us? In
the book of Ephesians, when Saint Paul refers to the "body",
he means the Body of Christ, the only Church which Christ founded (Ephesians
1:22-23). There is only ONE GOD, ONE Truth, ONE Faith, ONE Baptism (Ephesians
4:1-6), and He founded only ONE Church ( Matthew 16:18, Ephesians 4:4),
with only ONE Authority. Why then, are there over 33,800 Christian churches
in existence today, something which is in direct violation of Holy Scripture?
"He who is not with Me is against Me;
and he who does not gather with Me scatters."
Luke 11:23
we are commanded by Scripture to be of ONE MIND, in ONE SPIRIT, and with
ONE MOUTH to glorify GOD?
Romans 15:5-6, Philippians 1:27, 2:2
"Now I beseech you, brethren,
by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you ALL SAY THE SAME THING;
1Corinthians 1:10
How can these verses be obeyed with
over 33,800* splits in the Body of Christ today?
Who is doing the spliting and scattering?
*World Christian Encyclopedia, 2001.
it is the Holy Spirit which places men as Bishops to rule the Church of
Acts 20:28
Holy Scripture commands all of us to obey our superiors and be subject
to them, for they keep watch as having to render an account of our souls;
so that they may do this with joy, and not with grief, for that would not
be expedient for us?
Hebrews 13:7-8,17
How many, if any, of the founders of
the reformation followed this command of Scripture, and how many did not?
How many of them caused "grief" for their superiors by rejecting
their authority?
those who despise authority, especially, risk eternal punishment?
2Peter 2:9-10
nowhere in Scripture is authority given to anyone to start another church
other than the ONE which Jesus Christ founded?
However, there are many verses which
warn against forsaking GOD given authority regarding His Assembly (O.T.)
or Church (N.T.) which He bestowed upon prophets such as Moses (Exodus
3-40), and on the Apostles (John 20:21-23), and to their successors (Hebrews
Read of the rebellion of Korah against
the GOD given authority of Moses in Numbers 16, and pay special attention
to what happened to him, and to his followers in Numbers 16:31-35.
See John 4:19-24 for a New Testament
if it is not GOD given authority, it is no authority at all?
No one may hold up a Bible and claim
it to be his authority, if GOD given authority was not specifically bestowed
upon him or her in Holy Scripture. This was pointed out in the previous
topic. If anyone claims "GOD told him", what guarantee does anyone
have to know that to be true? Such a claim would be, at most, a private
revelation, and not a public revelation which comes from GOD.
Private revelations, if claimed by anyone, are not binding upon anyone
except possibly the recipient.
Holy Scripture cautions us not to be a stumbling block to the Church of
1Corinthians 10:32
How many non-Catholics ignore this
Holy Scripture warns us not to despise the Church of GOD?
1Corinthians 11:22
How many ignore this one also?
Saul persecuted the Church which Jesus Christ founded (Acts 8:1-3), yet
Jesus asked him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me"?
Acts 9:4,22:7
Why didn't Jesus ask Saul why he was
persecuting His Church, instead of saying "why do you persecute Me"?
it is the Church, and not the Bible which has the final authority, as Holy
Scripture tells us?
Matthew 18:15-18
Jesus Christ would not have given us a command which we could never fulfill?
If that is the case, then where would
each of us go to fulfill His command of Matthew 18:15-18 if we had lived
in the years 500, 1200, or 1500 A.D.?
he who does not know history
is condemned to repeat its mistakes?
Everyone of us should read the history
of the Church.
Read the Church
Fathers and the lives of the Saints.
history has no gaps
as some people seem to think?
Many non-Catholics close their minds
to any genuine historical documents which were written after the Book of
Revelation and up until the time of Martin Luther. Is this wise thinking?
Are blindfolds being purposely applied to these people to keep them from
seeing the truth? Read Romans 1:18.
the Church is not subject to men, but to Christ?
Ephesians 5:24, Acts 5:29
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,
today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Which Church holds fast to His teachings,
and which churches change their teachings to conform to the will of the
Which churches changed their teaching
in recent years and have accepted contraception, women clergy, divorce,
unholy unions, and more, due to the pressures of their members?
Which Church is unbending to the whims
of men, and which churches sway with the wind?
the body cannot do anything of itself without the head?
Ephesians 1:22-23, Colossians 1:18
without Me you can do nothing."
John 15:5
it is through the Church that there will be made known the manifold wisdom
of GOD?
Ephesians 3:10
the beginning of the Liturgy of the Mass as set by the Apostles is shown
in Holy Scripture?
Acts 2:42
the Bible does not say anywhere that the Word of GOD is restricted to what
is written?
for Sola Scriptura believers, if you believe that ALL
Scripture is inspired
(2Timothy 3:16-17),
then please explain to me why the Gospel of Peter and the Gospel of Thomas
are not in your Bible?
Sola Scriptura
is a man-made tradition, and that such man-made traditions are condemned
by Holy Scripture itself?
Colossians 2:8
Martin Luther, the first Protestant, and who was the person who founded
the man made doctrine of Sola Scriptura,
expressed harsh words about it just a few years later, after he had surveyed
the damage it had caused?
"This one will not hear of Baptism, and
that one denies the sacrament, another puts a world between this and the
last day: some teach that Christ is not God, some say this, some say that:
there are as many sects and creeds as there are heads. No yokel is so rude
but when he has dreams and fancies, he thinks himself inspired by the Holy
Ghost and must be a prophet." Martin Luther...
De Wette III, 61. quoted in O'Hare, THE FACTS ABOUT LUTHER, 208.
"Noblemen, townsmen, peasants, all classes understand the Evangelium
better than I or St. Paul; they are now wise and think themselves more
learned than all the ministers." Martin Luther...
Walch XIV, 1360. quoted in O'Hare, Ibid, 209.
the Bereans received the "preached" word from St. Paul (13*)
and compared what he had said with Scripture (11*)
and many, but not all (12*),
became believers?
*Acts 17:10-13.
Read Acts 17:1-9 for the context. Paul
tried to reason with Jews in the synagogue of Thessalonica (1). He tried
to prove from their Old Testament (2) that Jesus Christ, was the promised
Messiah, and indeed had come (1-3). He succeeded in convincing only some
of them (4).
The Bereans were Jews also (10), and
being so, compared Paul's preaching with the Old Testament, Septuagint**
with which they were more familiar (11). Since they were Jews, they would
not have believed in a New Testament, even if it were available then, which
it wasn't.
Compare these verses with Acts 2:14-24.
St. Peter first read from the Book of Joel (17-21), and then he explained
what he had just read by preaching to them (22-24). You can easily see
that the story of the Bereans offers no support whatsoever for the man
made tradition of Sola Scriptura.
**The Septuagint is a Greek translation
of the Hebrew Old Testament. It most certainly was used by the Greek speaking
Bereans, and it has all 7 of the books of the Old Testament which the protestants
rejected in the 16th century. It was the Bible which early Christians used
from the time of Christ until the Catholic Church provided the Latin Vulgate
in 404 A.D.. It is available even to this day.
...that there
are verses in Scripture that refer to other Scripture which are not found
in the Bible?
"...and REMEMBER the WORD of the
Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'."
(Acts 20:35, these words by Jesus are not to be found elsewhere in the
See also, Matthew 2:23 (the Nazarene)
and 5:43 (shall hate thy enemy), and 2Timothy 3:8 (the names).
These are examples of Apostolic Tradition,
which is quite removed from man-made tradition, and in which we are commanded
to keep by WORD or by letter, 2Thessalonians 2:15.
GOD would never have given us an infallible book, without first giving
us an infallible interpreter for it as well?
Holy Scripture stresses that an individual
will not understand and most probably will distort the truth which GOD
has given to us. Read Acts 8:26-31 and 2Peter 3:14-17.
"The Bible is a supernatural book
and can be understood only by supernatural aid."
A.W. Tozer
The Catholic Church alone, has the
GOD given authority, to be the infallible interpreter
of Holy Scripture. That authority is the Pope with the Magisterium, and
all working under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
a text without a context is a pretext?
Pretext: An effort intended to conceal
something, an excuse. Check your dictionary.
What the first verse giveth, the context
taketh away...
those who say "The Holy Spirit told me", do not realize that
it could be one of three spirits which is actually doing the talking?
They are:
1. The Holy Spirit.
2. The human spirit within each of
3. An evil, or demonic spirit.
Holy Scripture warns us to
test all spirits. "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test
the spirits to see whether they are of GOD; because many false prophets
have gone forth into the world."
1John 4:1
interpretation of Holy Scripture is strictly forbidden by Scripture itself?
Acts 8:30-31, 2Peter 1:20
Non-Catholics do this all the time,
with all using the same Bible, and with each proclaiming the truth, and
with each one saying, "The Holy Spirit told me".
Aren't they all really saying that
each is his or her own Pope?
Those who think the Holy Spirit is
telling them, had better read Acts 5:32:
"And we are witnesses to these
things, and SO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT,
Who are the ones who obey Him? Are
they the ones who ignore His words of John 10:16 and
2Peter 1:20, and who continue to split
and divide and interpret Holy Scripture individually, or are they the ones
who obey His words, those of His ONE TRUE CHURCH who do not do these things?
"Bible interpretation
is not to be done by individuals. It is not possible to put together any
selection of words in which some ingenious person may not find meaning
unmeant by the writer. Only a public authority, divinely guided, can spell
out without error a public message divinely revealed."
Frank Sheed, Theology and Sanity 16-17.
1Corinthians 2:14, 2Peter 1:20.
In the Catholic Church, when
a dispute arises, it is settled by the Pope with the Magisterium, and under
the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Who is there in all of the non-Catholic
ecclesial communities who has the authority to adjudicate doctrinal disputes
that arise between themselves?
The answer is that no
one has the authority. Every doctrine (except
for the existence of GOD), which is taught by one non-Catholic ecclesial
community is denied by another. These include major doctrinal issues and
not just minor ones as some claim. Here are just a few examples:
The Holy Trinity is three persons in one GOD. No, It is three separate
GOD's. It does not exist.
2. One
will say Jesus Christ is a divine person and not a human person. Another
says he is a human person and not a divine person. No, says yet a third,
he is two persons, one human and one divine.
3. The
Holy Spirit is a person says one. The Holy Spirit is not a person says
4. Scripture
says we must worship on Sunday, states one. No, it says Saturday, states
5. One
says GOD is in the Eucharist. No, says another, it is only a symbolic gesture.
6. The
Eucharistic celebration is once a week. No its once a month. No its quarterly.
No its yearly.
7. One
will teach that hell exists. Another insists hell does not exist.
Who, if any, is teaching the
truth, and who is simply catering to "itching ears" (2Timothy
Who has the all important authority
to determine who teaches the truth, and who doesn't?
One group will "prove"
from Scripture one thing, and another will "prove" from the very
same Scripture, just the opposite.
It is easily seen that without one
authority for all, there is nothing but chaos as we have today.
After all, Holy Scripture does say,
"GOD is not the author of confusion", 1Corinthians 14:33 (KJ).
If GOD does not cause confusion in
these these doctrinal differences, then who does?
So what do these various sects do when
doctrinal disputes arise? Read the next paragraph for the answer, as it
is yet another violation of the command of Jesus Christ in John 10:16.
non-Catholic Ecclesial Communities are dividing themselves at an ever accelerating
In 1600, due to the Protestant reformation,
there were more than 100. By 1900, there were around 1000. By 1981 there
were more than 20,700. Today there are over 33,800* splits in the Body
of Christ and all, save one, were founded by mere men or women.
*World Christian Encyclopedia, April
2001, a Protestant publication.
"Has Christ been divided
up?" 1Corinthians 1:13
"And every spirit that severs
Jesus, is NOT OF GOD, BUT IS OF ANTICHRIST of whom you have heard that
he is coming, AND NOW IS ALREADY IN THE WORLD." 1John 4:3
Where in Scripture is authority given
to anyone to split and to form new churches?
Common sense tells us that at this
ever increasing rate, in just a few more years of what we have already
witnessed, each person will be his or her own Ecclesial Community.
However, practically speaking it could
never go that far, as each Ecclesial Community would die out first from
the lack of funding due to its shrinking membership. Mainly however, we
have a promise from GOD, as passed through the inspired pen of Saint Luke
in Acts 5:38-39...
So now I say to you, keep away from these
men and let them alone. For if this plan or work is of men, it will be
overthrown; (39)
but if it is of GOD, you will not be able
to overthrow it. Else perhaps you may find yourselves fighting even against
The continuing splits in the Body of
Christ, perpetrated by mere men and women, will be the cause of their self
inflicted overthrow.
"Every kingdom divided against
itself is brought to desolation, and house will fall upon house."
Luke 11:17
"But if you bite and devour one
another, take heed or you will be consumed by one another."
Galatians 5:15
There IS
which is of GOD.
Mere men and women have been trying
to overthrow it for almost 2000 years and they have not been able to do
so, have they? What profound message have you gleaned from those two verses
in Acts 5?
For those whose agenda includes the
overthrow of the True Church of GOD, or who display a militant attitude
towards it, I would suggest that they should read anew Acts 5:39 shown
Catholic membership is over
1,070,000,000 (1 Billion 70 million) in 2001*. That is an increase of over
13,000,000 since January 2000. It is the fastest growing Christian Church
in the world by far.
*World Christian Encyclopedia
"Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it."
Psalms 127:1
therefore who hears these my words and acts upon them, shall be likened
to a wise man who built his house on rock. And the rains fell, and the
floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, but it did
not fall, because it was founded on rock. And everyone who hears these
my words and does not act upon them, shall be likened to a foolish man
who built his house on sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and
the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and was utterly
Matthew 7:24-27
Jesus Christ founded His Church
on rock,
I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church,
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Matthew 16:18.
Which Church is built on the "rock"?
Only one, as HE did say Church,
not churches didn't He?
Which churches are built on sand? All
are, except for that one built by the Lord.